Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

Professeur H. CURIEN 
Nous ouvrons la derniére séance de cette réunion scientifique et technique. 
Nous l'avons prévue sous la forme d'une discussion avec un "panel" et d'une 
conversation avec la salle. Avant de donner la parole aux différents membres 
du bureau que vous connaissez tous, sauf moi-même, le seul devoir que j'ai 
est de me présenter. Je suis Président du CNES et, pour l'instant, le Président 
du Conseil de l'ESA et, à ce titre, j'ai pris grand intérêt à entendre les 
rapports des responsables des différents groupes de travail qui montrent 
l'avance considérable dans le domaine qui vous intéresse : nous voyons mainte- 
nant que les différents types d'applications sont arrivés tous à un trés réel 
degré de maturité. Maintenant, notre devoir à tous est de nous assurer que les 
responsables dans les différents pays sont bien au courant des potentialités 
que peuvent leur offrir les techniques nouvelles de télédétection et je pense 
que des manifestations telles que celles-ci sont bien de nature à faire connaî- 
tre nos activités. 
Sans plus tarder, si vous le voulez bien, je vais demander aux collégues qui 
sont à cette table de présenter les remarques qui leur paraissent essentielles 
et de lancer les interrogations qui pourraient mener à une discussion intéressan- 
te sur les sujets du colloque. Je commence par notre Président F. DOYLE. 
Certainly the principal function of the Technical Commission symposia is the 
exchange of information and very clearly this has been accomplished by the 
excellent technical papers and stimulating discussions we have heard. 
I indicated to you on the opening day my hopes for the international friend- 
ships arising from the discussions which have taken place. I think that 
objective has also been met. We have had a splendid social program during the 
week, with ample opportunity to get to know each other as individuals with our 
own personalities, our own hopes and aspirations, our own political feelings. 
The sharing of these thoughts is in my opinion, at least as important as the 
technical exchange which takes place in the formal sessions. 
I am aware that the old Greek definition of a symposium is an after dinner 
drinking party. I think that definition has also been met during the week. 
I apologize to you for my undignified behavior at the party on Wednesday night 
but I think perhaps it was appropriate to the situation. 
I think the fundamental role of the President at the closing of the symposium 
is to express our thanks to those who have organized it. I have participated 
in enough symposiums and congresses to know that there are an enormous number 
of problems which arise behind the scenes, and it is a measure of the success 
of the organizing committee that very few of those come to the attention of 
the participants. So I would like to thank Louis LAIDET and his committee for 
the way this entire symposium has been arranged. There are, in addition, a 
large number of people unknown to us who have participated in the management 
of the symposium. Our thanks are due to the translators, to those who have 
supplied us with the headphones, to the audiovisual people, to those who have 
managed the restaurants, and to those who have arranged the technical excursions. 
For the most part the participants do not even know the names of these people 
but they have made enormous contributions to the Success of this week. 

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