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ans diverses
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Je dois dire que l'autre sujet de discussion qui m'intéresse en tant que
constructeur ou concepteur de satellite, c'est de savoir ce que pense réellement
la communauté des photogrammétres et des télédétecteurs pour les systèmes futurs.
Monsieur DOYLE nous a, au début de ce symposium, fait l'état de la situation
jusqu'aux années 1987-1988. Il faut savoir effectivement que pour construire
un véhicule spatial, il faut une dizaine d'années. Nous réfléchissons déjà, au
CNES ; on y réfléchit aussi à l'Agence Spatiale Européenne et sürement à la '
NASA, aux systèmes futurs d'observation, de télédétection et de cartographie
des années 1990 et nous sommes toujours intéressés à savoir ce qu'en pensent
les utilisateurs. Voilà donc mes deux questions.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as Secretary General of our Society, I think I am prima-
rily concerned about the fact that we have changed very recently our name into
our International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. I think one
of the very important facts of this is that we must make a reorientation of our
thinking, of our society. I think the primary start in remote sensing has been
made in Commission VII. For this reason, Commission VII is a very important
commission. We have always felt very happy that this Commission went into
the hands of France, because France better than many other countries, there
are only a few that I believe have solved and integrated the question of
photogrammetry and remote sensing. And it is certainly not an easy question
Any of you who have followed remote sensing symposia of Michigan and there
have been even some European meetings to that effect, some of them right
here in Toulouse. Luckily, I believe more and more of the same people meet at
our symposia and I think we are very happy to see that many that have so far
followed our symposia are coming to here, to the symposium of Commission VII
here. It is a very usefull function that our Society can play in clarifying
the role of remote sensing. Now the question that has been raised, here we
have new technologies and there we have an old methodology and the methodology
has been previously of course one that has been human oriented and we go more
and more toward an automation in the aspect. I would not like to pretend and
of course I think I am quite clear that many of you have felt also we do not
know the methodological answers to remote sensing and to the linkage with
photogrammetry but I think we are beginning to see the light. One of the
very important aspects when we are comparing photogrammetry which is an
established technic for mapping, it has been for many years, with remote sensing
which has just come on alone I do not think we can apply the same measures.
The development of photogrammetry has taken place through generations, I think
we must also let remote sensing develop within a generation, I think that we
are on the way to define the methodology and all we can say is that Commission VII
the symposium here, and the guidance that we received from France, is a very
good one in this direction. The questions that have been raised, what sort of
future systems are we going to get, I think we are going to think more and more
in terms of not just one stage approach to remote sensing, we are very glad
that in France we have on the one side the very ambitious plans of SPOT, T
believe this is the best thing that can ever happen to the Remote Sensing
Society, we know that we need more resolution and SPOT is going to provide it
for us, on the other hand, we know that we can rely on established techniques
practiced in Europe, in North America, in other areas, of the optical systems
we have academiciens here, academic backgrounds, to investigate techniques,
this is the situation in which we are in.