Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

tion of the 
pilation of the 
the cadastral 
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of ownerships 
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ıllar works in 
f the disputes 
e-list for the 
landtypes on 
2.000 (rural), 
forests) and 
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its and the 
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and judgment 
; after the first 
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of digital data 
nation System 
nal Statistical 
ere are 5.900 
tely 10 million, 
, 0.5 he urban 
mber of urban 
s according to 
2 categories 
aou land 
ion over 5.000 
ation between 
ition less than 
jarcel area 0.3 
jarcel area 0.7 
1e various land 
Land types Area (he) Cost unit ($ / he) | Total cost ($ US) 
Urban P » 5,000 130,663 1,300 169,861,900 
2,000 « P « 5,000 70,037 900 63,033,300 
P « 2,000 319,004 700 223,302,800 
Rural MLA = 0.3 he 135 158,428,440 
MLA = 0.7 he 100 273,826,800 
Pastures 5,192,586 25 129,814,650 
Forests 3,164,995 16 50,639,920 
TOTAL 1,068,907,810 
Table 1. Cost estimate for the various land types 
To the above estimated cost for the works mentioned in 
2.1 .IIl., the fee for the presence of one member, from the 
company/firm responsible for the survey, during the 
ownership statements’ submission and the disputes’ first 
and second publishment should be added. This cost is 
estimated to be approximately $41 million. 
For these expenses there is a taxation charge by the 
government which accounts for 18%. The total cost for the 
compilation of the photogrammetric and the cadastral 
works is: 
$ 1.069 billion + $ 41 million + 18% = $ 1.3 billion. 
According to previous international experience, the cost of 
preparation of the cadastral maps and registers accounts 
approximately to 40% of the overall cost of the 
establishment of a cadastral system. The other 60% of the 
total cost includes installation, instrumentation, educational 
training, personnel, project management, quality control 
etc. So, the total cost for the compilation of the N.C. is 
estimated to be $ 3.25 billion. 
2.2. Operational and Maintainance Cost for the 
National Cadastre 
The structure of the decentralised system that will support 
the N.C. has not yet been decided by HEMCO. 
Nevertheless, according to the proposal made by the 
Technical Chamber of Greece and the Union of Surveyors 
an approximate estimation of the operational and 
maintainance cost can be made. The system in general 
may be comprised of a central administrative unit, 13 
regional units, and if necessary of 170 local administrative 
units, 54 of them with full operational structure and 116 of 
them with limitted structure. 
The central administrative unit is estimated to need : 155 
personnel (60 administrative, 15 legislative, and 80 
technicians), a central unit, 20 workstations & 40 PC's, 
software support, peripheral units (20 printers, 10 plotters, 
10 fax), furniture, other. The annual estimated expenses 
for this unit is estimated to be $ 4 million (included the 
annual recovery for the purchase of instrumentation). 
The 13 regional administrative units, one for each 
geographical region of Greece, are estimated to need 
each : 
- 8 personnel (4-administrative/oprators, 4-technicians) 
- 2 workstations, software, 3 PC's, 5 printers, 2 plotters, 5 
fax, furniture, other. 
The annual cost for all the 13 units is estimated to be 
$2.65 million. 
The local administrative units will need: 
- 8 personnel (4-administrative/operators, 3 technicians, 1 
- 4 PC's, software, 3 printers, 1 fax, furniture, etc 
which is estimated to be annually for the 54 local units 
$11,4 million and for the 116 local units of limitted 
construction $ 9 million. 
To the above estimate some non expected expenses 
should be added for 1096. So, the total operational cost 
accounts for $ 30 million. 
Since the procedure for the establishment of the N.C. has 
already partially commenced, the whole work will also be 
completed partially. In each region, where the procedure is 
completed, the operation of the N.C. begins. During this 
operational and maintainance period the N.C. will start 
making some profit. This profit will come from two different 
sources: firstly the recovery charge and secondly the 
transaction duties, and the indirect income acquired by 
selling digital geometric data to the private and public 
3.1 Recovery Charge 
Once the N.C. is established, it will be able to give the final 
titles to the owners. On receipt of the Title from the N.C., 
the owner must pay a "recovery charge" proportional to 
the landparcel value (land unit value, area of the 
landparcel, buildings, etc.). This charge is defined to be 
between min 10,000 drch ($40) and max 300,000 drch 
To calculate the income from the recovery charge, the 
number of titles has to be estimated first. Based on the 
statistical information derived from the N.S.S. of Greece, 
the total number of buildings (in 1990) was 3,821,175, of 
which 2,850,517 were registered as dwellings. In the 
following Table 2. the number of separate dwellings and 
consequently the number of the titles for this use in the 
above mentioned 2,850,517 buildings (block of flats) are 
Number of Number of Number of titles 
buildings Dwellings 
per building 
2,168,354 1 2,168,354 
379,404 2 758,808 
164,845 3.5 576,957 
80,444 7 563,108 
23,087 18 415,566 
3,900 33 128,700 
30,483 1:5 45 725 
Total 4,657,218 
Table 2. Number of titles for buildings 
The remaining 970,658 buildings are registered under 
other uses (such as office, store, mine, restaurant, shop, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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