Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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house aerial photo interpretation and extensive field work. 
Later, the map was printed at a scale of 1:20 000, and for 
the moment printing has ceased in favour of a "Forced 
Database Edifice". In order to render the production more 
effective and to minimize field work, analytical 
photogrammetric instruments of the type Zeiss 
Planicomp P3 or Casco-modified Wild B8 are used for 
data collection. 
3.4 Digital Photogrammetry 
In 1994 the NLS decided to accomplish a study of digital 
photogrammetric workstations. The main objective was 
to enable production and  mosaicing of digital 
orthophotos. Other objectives were automatic production 
of digital elevation models, acquisition of vector data for 
mapping and map revision, especially updating of the 
Economic Map database, and good basic orientation, 
measurement and triangulation capabilities. 
The decision was made to purchase a complete digital 
photogrammetric system from Leica/Helava, consisting of 
a DSW200 Digital Scanning Workstation and five digital 
photogrammetric workstations — one DPW670 
monoscopic station and four DPW770 stereoscopic 
stations. The system is used mainly for production of 
digital orthophotos. Special products including digital 
orthophotos, elevation models and image map plots for 
road design have been produced for the National Swedish 
Road Administration. Tests have been made of the 
automated triangulation software module HATS (Helava 
Automated Triangulation System), which is approaching 
sufficient stability to be used in production. 
For data collection and updating of the Economic Map 
database, two Zeiss PHODIS ST with PHOCUS software 
were purchased. Stereoscopic superimposition of map 
data and use of PHOCUS mapping software has shown 
great potential for its purpose. 
After an inventory phase the first digital photogrammetric 
workstation in Sweden was delivered by Intergraph to the 
National Swedish Road Administration in January 1994. 
It is of the type ImageStation. The main purpose was to 
provide road designers with orthophoto maps and digital 
elevation models as a base for early design phases. 
The workstation is connected to a network including 
analytical photogrammetric instruments of the type 
System 9. In 1995 the system has been completed with 
another ImageStation. 
Plans are to develop products for visual presentation of 
road design projects. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 
5.1 Structure of Companies 
Swedish private photogrammetric consultancy has faced a 
radical structural rationalization due to increased 
competition in the period 1992 - 1996. Today there are 
five relatively large consulting firms in Sweden, as well 
as a number of minor firms. The larger firms together 
employ some 100 persons in photogrammetric 
production. : 
5.2 Resources 
There are no Swedish private companies offering aerial 
photography for mapping purposes, but Swedish 
companies co-operate with Danish and Finnish 
companies with aerial photography resources. 
Swedish photogrammetric companies have approximately 
35 stereo instruments in total. Among these there are 15 
analytical instruments. Almost all mapping today is 
digital. The analog instruments are in general modified to 
accomodate digital mapping. Most of the instruments are 
connected a CAD- or GIS- system for data capture and 
editing of map data. Datafiles are delivered in a common 
Swedish data format (KF85) for exchange of digital map 
Digital photogrammetry has not yet been introduced on a 
permanent basis among Swedish consulting firms for 
photogrammetric production. 
5.3 Customers and Products 
Sweden has been facing a difficult economic situation 
during the last years. This has caused major cut downs in 
public expenses, especially within municipalities, 
resulting in reduced planning and building activities. 
Therefore, local map production has slown down, and 
investments in GIS systems have dropped. The 
conversion of analog maps into digital map data, as well 
as production of new digital map data is far less than in 
earlier years. 
On the other hand public investments for infrastructure 
have increased considerably. The National Swedish Road 
Administration and The National Swedish Railway 
Administration are performing major projects in road and 
railway design and construction. The need for 
photogrammetric products have consequently adjusted to 
that situation. Photogrammetric digital map data and 
digital terrain models for infrastructural project design are 
today the main products. 
There is also an increased interest in orthophotos for 
preliminary design of infrastructural projects. This is 
expected to promote the introduction of digital 

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