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N Station A S D F H Yn
Stip« dm] 0 22 106 130 386
--— 1 X -20 21 -205
Y 1 3 1.0
Z 41 -37 -39.0
-— 2 X 18 20 19 19.0
Y 24 -16 2 -14.0
7 39 -33 44 -387
4-3 X 2 -3 0 4 15
Y 9 12 34 37 230
Z 45 38 52 oou 41.5
-— 4X 19 19 22 18 195
Y 15 17 22 2. 20
Z 44 -42 82 15 458
-—5 X 1 2 2 3 05
Y 18 16 34 58 315
z 47 -41 -62 18 420
> 6 X 14 14 14 13 14 13.8
Y 22 24 -25 6 21 112
Z 45 41 -49 57 19 -422
WET 27 26 22 2523 24.6
Y 6 3 17 17 28 14.2
Z 44 38 -56 58 19 -35.4
) uk 12 12 -18 T T -142
Y 8 9 4 1 21 18
Z 42 35 -51 43 8 -326
4 o0 x 19 20 21 21 20 202
Y 5 3 2 11 26 94
z 45 43 -58 46 20 -424
)'o x 7 7 5 8 7 -68
Y 18 22 2 11 2 -14.0
Z 53 48 -67 55 26 -49.8
dat x 14 13 12 17 20 15.2
Y 2 34 9.2
z 54 48 48 17 11 312
E x 6.0 59 83 08 gp 75
Y -45 -51 45 1166264 4.6
Zz |-450 400 -545 525 417 -404
Table 1: Coordinate differences between photogrammetrically
and GPS-determined camera air stations (arithmetic
means of strips, antenna 2, Gauss-Krüger, in [cm])
A S D F H >/n
L 10.3 10.5 8.7 10.2 10.6 10.2
C 15.3 14.5 17.2 13.7 47.7 15.5
V -45 -40 -54.6 -52.9 13.7 -40.4
Table 2: Overall mean differences in L, C, V at air stations for
each GPS ground station (antenna 2, in [cm])
g of
2 -
= ett
9 -20r b
o emt
= eet
Q -40 FT accents
-60 mor :
0 100 200 300 400
Distance [km]
— vem mem
Figure 6: Overall mean differences in L, C, V at air stations as
function of distance to GPS ground station (antenna 2)
(magnitude in flight direction 10.2 cm, across flight direction
15.5 em, vertical -40.4 em). The variations of the blocks against the
constant shifts are remarkably small, remaining within a band of
+0.4 em to -1.5 em in L direction, resp. of +2.2 cm to -1.8 cm in C
direction. As far as the mean vertical differences are concerned the
most likely interpretation assumes a constant shift of -48.1 cm for the
GPS ground stations A - F (up to 130 km distance). The block
variations against the constant shift then remain within a band of
*8.1 em and -6.5 em, whilst the results of station H would then jump
out by 37.4 cm. It is assumed, in this case, that the outlier at station
H may be caused by ionospheric error effects, which can be expected
in that order of magnitude over a distance of nearly 400 km.
The overall results thus are highly consistent, showing no distance
effect, except for the z errors from the long baseline to station H. The
question remains, however, what are the causes for the constant
error magnitudes. As the constant errors are clearly related to the
flight directions it can be stated that they must be caused by effects
related to the sensor system of the airplane. This is in first instance
the camera system with possibly small additional influences from the
GPS antenna- and time- offsets. Constant photogrammetric errors at
the camera air stations of 10 - 20 cm (at h = 2000 m) are quite likely
to happen. It should be realized that we are concerned here with
absolute errors which normally in photogrammetry are not visible (at
the air stations) or are compensated by degrees of freedom. Whether,
however, constant vertical errors of more than 40 cm can be
attributed to the photogrammetric part remains doubtful, although
there is no easy other explanation at hand.
The assessment of the mean coordinate differences per strip (taken
over all stations) between GPS positions and photogrammetric check
values (like in Table 1) is here not carried any further. The variations
against the constant shifts are now considerably smaller than in
Table 1. They amount to magnitudes between +10 cm and -12 cm
in L, resp. between +16 cm and -16 cm in C and still show some
alternating effects, the causes of which must be in the GPS system.
It could be effects of satellite constellations or related to the airborne
GPS antenna. The z results are the same as of Table 1. They are
particularly consistent, the mean differences per strip varying within
*9 em and -9 cm. The analyses will be continued as soon as the
other test flights will have been processed.
The results obtained so far can be summarized in a few statements:
* The software succeeded to provide OTF ambiguity solutions in
all cases, from all ground stations.
* The restored trajectories still have some gaps, and they show
some large systematic errors in parts of poor satellite
constellations, especially in flight turns. Nevertheless, the
trajectory parts of the photo-strips have been properly restored
based on the antenna 2 recordings.
* A warning has to be stated, that successful OTF ambiguity
solutions still have to be checked on sufficient satellite geometry,
before accepting the restored trajectory.
* The direct comparison of photogrammetric camera air stations
and their GPS positions showed considerable constant and other
systematic errors which are related to the flight directions. The
further analysis confirmed that a large part of the systematic
errors relates to the aircraft sensor system. It means that with
regard to absolute GPS positioning systematic discrepancies
originating in the camera system have to be expected. Not really
explained is a constant error in z of about 40 cm magnitude.
* The check results show no dependency on the distance to the
GPS ground receiver stations.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996