Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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The criteria followed for the combination of 
these variables may be summarised in the 
following alternatives: (i) Use of qualitative 
criteria for assigning danger values to the 
cross-relationships of the different variables 
(Yool et al., 1985); (ii) Adaptation of standard 
danger indices, such as the US National Fire 
Danger Rating System or some modules of 
BEHAVE (Woods and  Gossette, 1992: 
Chuvieco and Salas, 1996); (iii) Development 
of new danger models, based upon the selective 
weighting of the danger variables (Chuvieco 
and Congalton, 1989), and (iv) Creation of 
locally-oriented models, where danger weights 
for each variable are obtained from multiple 
regressions computed for that particular area 
(Chou, 1992). 
Fire detection through remote sensing has been 
based on middle infrared data analysis. 
Considering that forest fires temperatures 
commonly range from 500 to 1,000 K 
(Robinson, 1991), the most suitable band for 
fire detection is located between 5.8 and 2.9 
um according to Wien's displacement law 
(middle infrared region of the spectrum), while 
the thermal infrared region presents the peak 
of emittance at common Earth temperatures 
(around 300 K). As a consequence, the middle 
infrared bands are more sensitive than thermal 
infrared bands to detect and monitor active 
Fire detection from space is obviously very 
much dependent on temporal resolution. The 
Earth resources satellites (such as Landsat or 
SPOT) do not provide enough. temporal 
frequency for fire detection. On the contrary, 
meteorological satellites have proven to be very 
useful for these purposes. NOAA-AVHRR 
images are suitable for fire detection and 
mapping because of their adequate coverage 
cycle (12 hours) and good spectral resolution, 
which also includes middle infrared bands. 
The use of AVHRR images for fire detection 
has been successfully tested in several studies, 
both at regional and global scale, specially over 
remote areas where traditional methods are 
very costly. In Canada, high accuracy for 
detecting large-scale forest fires was found in a 
pilot study conducted in Alberta (Flannigan and 
Vonder Haar, 1986). Accuracy for small fires 
was limited, 10 to 12 %, although better results 
were reported if only cloud-free areas were 
taken into account (up to 87 %). Similar 
studies have been carried out in Tropical forest 
(Malingreau, 1990; Langaas, 1992; Kennedy et 
al., 1994; Setzer and Pereira, 1991). Some 
experiences are also available over 
Mediterranean forest (Chuvieco and Martin, 
In spite of the potential interest in the use of 
AVHRR channel 3 data for fire detection, these 
images present several difficulties related to the 
low thermal sensitivity of this channel, which 
is saturated at 320 K. As a result, fire spots can 
be easily confused with agriculture burns or 
even overheat bare soils, which frequently 
reach these temperatures during the summer at 
the afternoon satellite pass (Belward, 1991). 
Discrimination from agricultural fires could be 
partially achieved by choosing evening or night 
images, because this type of burning tends to 
be done during daylight periods (Malingreau, 
1990). Monitoring the temporal dynamism of 
the target surfaces also provides good 
classification of fire pixels (Lee and Tang, 
1990). In any case, sensors with higher thermal 
sensitivity are desirable. In the Brazilian 
Amazonia, airborne experimental fire detection 
scanners with saturation levels up to 900 K 
have been successfully. tested (Riggan et al., 
1993). The future Moderate Resolution 
Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) will 
include a middle infrared channel that saturates 
at 500 K, which will notably increase the 
potential of satellite fire detection systems. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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