Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

come to know that one PC to two trainees is quite 
preferable after all. The two can help each other and 
result in better understanding than using it. alone. 
4.1 Curriculum 
Due to limitation of budget, schedules of the participants, 
etc., the time period of the training within the seminar 
was set to three days. The schedule was as follows. 
Day 1: 
(1) Introduction to the hands-on-training 
(2) Remote Sensing 
(a) Introduction to remote sensing 
(b) Image enhancement 
(c) Geometric correction 
Day 2: 
(d) Multispectral classification 
(e) Change detection 
(3) GIS 
(a) Introduction to GIS 
(b) Land resource allocation« part 1» 
Day 3: 
(c) Land resource allocation< part 2> 
(d) Digital terrain model 
(4) Discussion 
4.2 Software Packages 
There are very good un-expensive training software such 
as IDRISI or ILWIS. They charge only minimum cost to 
maintain and improve their software. This is quite 
practical way to maintain a training software, and is 
accepted by many users. However, there are still strong 
needs for good public domain software for training. 
[n order to allow beginners to use remote sensing and GIS 
software freely at their offices, the authors have decided 
to prepare public domain software for remote sensing and 
3IS. Actually, within the frame work of the seminar, 
some of the authors and others have developed several 
software for training under the support of NASDA, 
UNCRD, etc. The main software packages are 
WinASEAN for remote sensing and GIWIN for GIS. The 
both software packages run on IBM PC compatible 
machines with MS-Windows. The software are 
carefully developed for the beginner's use. But at the 
same time, it can also be used for professional use. The 
user can easily step up from training to their daily work 
by using the same system. 
The software are released through the frame work of the 
seminar as a public domain software for training. The 
ISPRS Commission VI working group 2 “Computer 
Assisted Teaching” is providing the software to users 
upon request on voluntary basis. The essence of the two 
packages are summarizes as follows. 
4.2.1 WinASEAN 
WinASEAN is an image processing software for remote 
sensing developed by one of the authors Nguyen Duong 
and others of the National Centre for Natural Science and 
technologyof Vietnum under the technical cooperation 
with the Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan 
(RESTEC) and the financial support from NASDA. 
(2) Functions 
The main functions of the WinASEAN are as follows. 
- Preprocessing: Data conversion, histogram calculation, 
image enhancement, filtering etc. 
- Image display 
- Classification: Training area selection, 
training data statistic calculation, 
maximum likelihood classification, etc. 
- Geometric correction 
- Change analysis 
- Bird eye view generation 
(3)Hardware Requirement 
- CPU: 386, 486 or above 
- Math coprocessor 
- Base memory: 640KB 
- Extended memory: 3MB or more 
- Floppy disk drive : 5.25 or 3.5 inches 
- Hard disk memory : 80MB or more 
- Super VGA color monitor 
- 24 bits graphic accelerator for Windows environment 
- CD-ROM drive 
- Mouse 
- Printer 
- Microsoft Windows 3.1 or latter version pre-installed 
4.2.2 GIWIN 
GIWIN is a GIS software package developed by one of the 
authors Fuhu Ren to facilitate the GIS overlay functions 
in land use suitability assessment and feasible resource 
allocation. By giving certain constraint, criterion scores 
and weights to each land related factor, automated 
allocation of land resource for competitive multiple 
objectives can be performed. 
- Data Management: file I/O, map display, image, etc. 
- GIS Transforms:map category extraction, map overlay, 
image algebra and spatial statistics. 
- LRA Model: map coding, relevant factor weighting, 
multiple criteria assessment and land 
resource allocation. 
- Graphic Editor: map legend generator, graphic tools, 
drawing options. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 
"A rmm o e r1 orm rnm (5 

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