Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

flight time of about one hour. 77 photographs out of a 
total of 168 were selected for the block adjustment. The 
resulting parameters of exterior orientation determined by 
photogrammetric means had standard deviations of 
about 3 cm in each of the coordinates and 7 arcseconds 
in each of the orientation parameters. The discrepancies 
between these parameters and those determined by 
GPS/INS were much larger. The root-mean-square (rms) 
discrepancies were 15 cm in horizontal position, 20 cm in 
vertical position, 1 arc minute in azimuth, and two arc 
minutes in roll and pitch. When these parameters directly 
determined by GPS/INS were used for image 
georeferencing without the use of ground control, the rms 
discrepancies on control points were 0.3 m horizontally 
and 0.5 m vertically. This is sufficient for most mapping 
and resource applications. For more details, see Skaloud 
et al (1996). 
These results are quite unexpected and need further 
analysis. The error pattern for roll and azimuth seems to 
indicate a major influence of errors due to aircraft 
dynamics, while the pitch error shows a linear drift with 
time. The fact that, in contradiction to theory, the azimuth 
performance is better than that in roll and pitch, might be 
due to the frequent 360° turns, necessary to return to the 
test area. However, these results should be considered 
preliminary until more detailed investigations have been 
done. They show that it is very difficult to reach an 
attitude noise level of 20 - 30 arcseconds over an 
extended period of time using current hardware. 
Georeferencing of airborne imaging sensors has the 
potential of considerably extending current 
photogrammetric applications and greatly simplifying the 
use of digital imaging sensors. It also adds flexibility to 
the use of current high-precision aerial cameras and 
considerably reduces the need for accurate ground 
The integration of inertial and GPS satellite techniques 
currently offers the best potential for implementing 
georeferencing systems at different levels of accuracy 
and for combining them with existing and future airborne 
imaging sensors. Major advantages are the high data 
rates of the inertial measuring unit, compactness which 
allows direct mounting on the sensor head, and uniform 
high accuracy due to continuous GPS updating. 
Theoretical studies and test results, analyzed in this 
paper, indicate that current systems are capable of 
georeferencing airborne imaging sensors for mapping 
and resource applications with an accuracy of about 0.5 
m (rms). Higher accuracy can be achieved if the long- 
term stability of the attitude sensors can be improved to a 
noise level of about 20". 
Financial support for this research was obtained through 
a grant of the Natural Science and Engineering Research 
Council of Canada. Messr. J. Skaloud, Q.J. Zhang, and 
Y. Li, graduate students at the Department of Geomatics 
Engineering, and Dr. M. Wei are thanked for their 
contributions to this research. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996

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