Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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(image representation) 
parallel lines 
in the world 
image plane 
vanishing point 
(vector representation) 
interpretation planes 
perspective center 
Gaussian sphere 1 
Figure 1: The geometry of vanishing points, interpretation 
planes, and the Gaussian sphere 
tor array, the intersections of interpretation planes with the 
sphere (great circles) are histogrammed; maxima in the his- 
togram then correspond to orientations shared by several line 
segments, and can be hypothesized as vanishing points. The 
geometry of vanishing points, interpretation planes, and the 
Gaussian sphere is depicted in Figure 1. 
A difficulty with the classical approach is its sensitivity to 
noise. Texture edges caused by natural features in the scene 
can lead to spurious maxima on the Gaussian sphere, result- 
ing in incorrect vanishing point solutions. However, these 
short edges exhibit greater uncertainty in image position and 
orientation, which can be modeled and incorporated into the 
sphere histogramming process. In recent work, we have pro- 
posed two edge error models which use rigorous camera mod- 
eling to treat great circles as swaths of variable width on the 
sphere, where the width corresponds to the uncertainty of 
the edge. These models locate vanishing points reliably in 
the presence of large amounts of noise, and are described in 
detail elsewhere [Shufelt, 1996]. 
Another difficulty with the classical technique is that it makes 
no provision for using knowledge about the shapes of objects 
of interest to guide the search for maxima on the Gaussian 
sphere. Rather than searching for maxima one at a time with 
no knowledge of scene structure, we seek a method which 
utilizes the expected shape of objects to find vanishing points. 
To develop such a method, it is first necessary to make a 
choice of representation for buildings. 
There exists a wide spectrum of 3D representations, ranging 
from CAD-based models, in which shape and size are fixed, 
to highly parametric representations such as superquadrics 
and physically-based models, in which shape and size are 
variable. However, the immense variety of manmade con- 
structions renders a model-based representation impractical, 
and highly parametric representations have proven difficult 
to reliably extract from complex imagery. Instead, we choose 
a set of 3D wireframes as "building blocks" for manmade 
structures; these units, which have fixed shape and topology 
Figure 2: Rectangular and triangular primitives and their 
vanishing point patterns on the Gaussian sphere 
but variable size, are known as primitives [Biederman, 1985; 
Braun et a/., 1995]. Geometric constraints provide sufficient 
leverage for extracting primitives from aerial imagery, while 
the combination of primitives provides representational flexi- 
bility for modeling complex manmade structures. 
PIVOT currently uses two primitives to model buildings, rect- 
angular volumes and triangular prisms, shown in Figure 2. 
Rectangular volumes are composed of 3D lines with vertical 
and orthogonal horizontal orientations in object space (v, h1, 
and h2 respectively); triangular prisms are composed of lines 
with two symmetric slanted “peak” lines in a vertical plane 
and two orthogonal horizontals (p1, p2, h1, and h2 respec- 
tively). Figure 2 also depicts the orientation patterns created 
by these primitives on the Gaussian sphere. 
Exploiting this knowledge about object shape is now sim- 
ple. Rather than scanning the sphere for individual vanishing 
point maxima, PIVOT scans for pairs of orthogonal horizon- 
tals, with respect to the vertical vanishing point which can be 
computed directly from the camera parameters. Once hori- 
zontal vanishing points have been located, PIVOT scans for 
slanted "peak" lines which lie in vertical planes of the horizon- 
tals. This approach leads to robust vanishing point solutions 
for all primitive edge orientations [Shufelt, 1996]. 
Given a set of vanishing points, each line segment in the im- 
age can be tested to see if it lies along a line with a vanishing 
point. If so, the line segment can be labeled with the 3D ori- 
entation in object space corresponding to the vanishing point. 
At the conclusion of this process, each line segment has a set 
of vanishing point labels which can be used as a means of en- 
suring that PIVOT's intermediate corner representations are 
geometrically consistent. This section gives a brief discus- 
sion of the use of vanishing point labelings for detecting legal 
Corners are generated in PIVOT by performing a range search 
on all line segments, and linking together pairs of segments 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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