Economics, Professional Matters and Education
The possession and level of qualified professional personnel is of vital importance to the
development of disciplines of a high technology nature, such as our discipline: Photo-
grammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS. Therefore, Technical Commission VI of our society
is legitimately a commission of special significance.
However, it is also a commission of considerable difficulty in terms of organization of
activties and management. This is because education requires professional insight and
substantial investment, and there exhibits a great difference with respect to economics and
professional matters in different countries.
It is in this context that our commission, during the 1992 - 1996 period, has covered the
following topic areas:
1^ Collection, analysis and comparison of educational and training programs and
changes in photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS/LIS.
2. Investigation of cost and efficiency models in photogrammetric and remote sensing
3. Investigation of operational management aspects for remote sensing and GIS
4. Collection and synthesis of reports on national and regional activities.
S. Promotion and dissemination of information.
6. Promotion of computer assisted teaching.
7. Identification of the proper channels for international technical cooperation.
8. Completion of the history of Photogrammetry.
9. Promotion of the inclusion of other languages in the ISPRS Multilingual Dictionary.
10. . Development of recommendations for standards of competence in photogrammetric
and remote sensing practice.
All the activities in the above fields have been conducted and organized by our working
groups under their respective chair or co-chairpersons, though the achievements vary in
different circumstances, namely,
WG VI/1 "Education, Training and Educational Standards for Photogrammetry, Remote
Sensing and GIS/LIS", chaired by Prof. Dr. Jozef J. Jachimski of Poland.