Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

the representation... 
the botton “xy” of the “palette”, allows to pass to 
the second card, according to which it is possible to 
represent in planimetry the survey done. 
The data are conseguently trasfered in the yellow 
scrolling field, from which they can be exported in 
a text model document. 
Pushing the “palette” bottons it is possible to 
represent the reported points, to link them with a 
line, or to cancell the entire design. 
If we select the “Reg” botton we will finger a 
possible designed volume on the planimetry and 
reporte it on the blue scrolling field. 
Both the survey and the new design can be 
exported either in the text model or in the “Paint” 
In the same models it is possible, moreover, to 
introduce a design using the existing suitable botton 
instead of the barra-menu (picture 3). 
the environmental check... 
The botton of the “palette” of the previous picture 
(picture 3), has an icona which represents a 
It lets to pass to the next card, where the left 
photogram is displayed all over the page. On this 
photogram it is possible to represent (in the same 
perspective) the volume designed in the plan. 
The perspective obteined by the numerical design 
realized in planimetry, can be finished thanks to 
the existing design instruments and exported on the 
“paint model”. 
The drawing can be treated with other programs in 
order to introduce it in a possible photomontage, or 
to importe it again for a comparation with other 
Two different bottons of the “palette” allow to 
show or to hide the photogram under the design. 
To modify the designed volume it is always 
possible to return to the planimetry (picture 4). 
the general catalogue... 
If we push the botton “general catologue” we will 
open a dialogue window , which allows to open 
other documents of “StetreoFot”, such as the 
application drawn up with SuperCard and the 
documents of MoviePlayer (filmed). 
In this case a “palette” can be displayed , 
containing all the functions of a common video 
recorder, and also all the orders to display every 
photogram and to memorize their positions (to 
recall them) or to export them on the “pict” model. 
This latter function has an important interest for 
the analysis of a monument, particularly to fix 
some  framings to be used in other 
photogrammetric shots. 
It is always possible the use of the same function 
for the analysis of every digital short film 
(picture 5). 
the cartographic archive... 
the folder "archivio" contains, both the 
photogrammetric images and the cartographic 
ones, and also three documents of StereoFot, called 
"fotogrammetria", "cartografia" and "StereoFot 
The first furnishes the data for the 
photogrammetric survey, the second - which can be 
recalled pushing the botton with the same name - 
memorizes the data about every cartography in 
the "pict" model. 
Together with the selected cartography, a 
"palette" is displayed which contains the tools 
allowing the map to scroll in the displayed 
window, to size the distance between two points, 
and to size the length of a polygonal line. It is also 
possible to calculate the area of a selected part. 
We can open different numbers of maps at the same 
time, wihch can be transfered on the screen 
(picture 6). 
The stack “StreoFot Helps” can be always recalled 
pushing the “Help” botton, according to the 
philosophy of “HyperCard” helps. 
At the opening of the stack the general index is 
displayed in a scrolling field. 
If we select one of the voices, we will find a second 
scrolling field, containing a second index, which 
can be selected to obtain the descriptive card. 
The selection regarding the project about 
photogrammetry has been taken from the volume 
“Antonio Daddabbo - Fotogrammetria e Tutela del 
Territorio - Editori Laterza - Bari”, which deals 
with the research made by the Cattedra di 
Fotogrammetria Architettonica of the Politecnico 
in Bari, during the period 1985-1995. 
* Mario Fondelli 
"Trattato di Fotogrammetria Urbana e Architettonica" 
Laterza Editori - Bari 
* Antonio Daddabbo 
^il rilievo stereofotogrammetrico" 
Levante Editore - Bari 
e Pietro Grimaldi 
^| Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici" 
Levante Editore - Bari 
* Antonio Daddabbo 
"Cartografia digitale in architettura e urbanistica" 
Levante Editore - Bari 
* Antonio Daddabbo 
“1985-1995: il progetto finalizzato 
Fotogrammetria e Tutela del Territorio” 
Levante Editore - Bari 
Pietro Grimaldi, 7 April 1996. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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