Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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Governments or to private, independent organisations. 
This Subsection should unveil the hierarchic network 
which explains by itself certain wishes, circumstances, 
developments. That analysis will be useful for future 
evaluations and comparisons. One has to know where 
and if fundamental religious aspects or military orders 
have to be considered and which the reasons and 
consequences are. 
At Level A only the main-dependencies are shown, e.g.: 
At Level B grades of dependency or independency upon 
the governmental units could be estimated. Also a 
coordination ^ could be given between the Society 
members and the different groups defined in Level A and 
B, which can be described in detail at Level C. 
Subsection 3.3 could then serve for the cooperation 
inside of the Member territory and across the boarders. 
The most common types of cooperation could cover 
technological consulting and expertises by scientists and 
other specialists for companies, sub-production portions 
executed by one body for the other, exchange (or 
lending) of expert teams between enterprises or 
institutes, or just giving temporary access to unique 
instruments. Very interesting is also information about 
cooperation between producers and users of instruments 
which result in instrument testing reports. 
On the Level A would be reported the number of 
cooperation links, generally also about the number of 
cooperating bodies. One could give figures according to 
groups of bodies and the number of their cooperation 
links, e.g. number of bodies with 1, 2 to 3, 4 to 10, and 
more than 10 cooperation links, and this in classes: 
scientific and educational institutions, companies and 
enterprises, administration, single prominent persons; 
special attention should be given to cooperation organ- 
ised by scientific and professional societies. This 
Subsection should include also names of cooperating 
countries and numbers of cooperation links reported for 
each country. 
On the Level B the data given on level A could be further 
categorised thematically according to the cooperation 
efficiency and fruitfulness, according to cooperation 
volume (valuation) and duration (permanent, long term, 
casual, emergency), and according to the level of 
cooperation agreement (pan-regional, governmental, 
organised by local administration, individual). 
Level C could report details about specially interesting 
cooperations in detail, e.g. traffic accident photogram- 
metry in cooperation with the police and with the Court. 
There are many different applications of economic 
interest which, mutually forwarded, would find more 
attention in the public. At this level will be also the 
descriptive part for adding comments and proposals. 
Subsection 3.4 concerns activities in international bodies 
and commissions, contains information about functions 
performed, positions kept, meetings organised, and other 
activities of the Member representatives in the frame of 
ISPRS or other pertinent international organisations. 
At the Level A only numbers would be given (Activity or 
position type, number of holders of such position type 
Level B would provide more details: duration, voting or 
nominating procedure for example. 
At Level C the names and addresses could be mentioned 
of the personalities concerned and their programme, 
aims, and responsibilities explained. 
This Section should comprise information about all the 
editorial activities in the Member territory and/or 
performed abroad, but with participation of the people or 
organisations which belong to the Member Society. 
At the general Level A the numbers rather than names 
of journals, permanent editorial series, books, booklets, 
articles and maps should be given. Those issues not 
always are 100% devoted to our professional problems, 
therefore they should be counted and reported in groups: 
100% Photogrammetry + Remote Sensing + GIS/LIS 
(Ph+RS+GIS) issues, more than 50% Ph+RS+GIS 
issues, less than 50 % Ph+RS+GIS issues. 
At the more particular Level B the names and bibliogra- 
phical data of journals, continuous editorial series and 
books should be given. To each title the Information 
about the thematic content in % should be attached 
(%Ph, %RS, %GIS). 
At this level also the titles and bibliographical data of a 
few most important articles (and maps) should be 
given, also with the classification of the content in %, 
and with keywords (to be added to an ISPRS keyword 
index of WWW). For scientific papers it is important to 
distinguish reviewed and uncontrolled contributions. 
At the complementary/supplementary Level C all other 
information concerning editorial activity can be given. 
Here one could place a short descriptions of journals, 
editorial series, books etc. Here also can be given longer 
or even full list of other pertinent publications always 
with attached % of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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