Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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(i) The Uniform Cadastre provides data for the territory 
of the country with its natural resources overgrown 
and underground material wealth. 
(ii) The data are presented on cadastral maps, photo 
mosaics, papers, graphs, alpha-numeric and other 
(iii) The National Center of Cadastre makes and revises 
the Uniform Cadastre by organizing, creating and 
maintaining a data base, produces orthophotomaps 
and other products, provides ministries and other 
institutions and companies with space and aerial 
photographs, geodetic and cartographic materials, 
provides the Territorial Cadastres with inputs, 
necessary for making and maintenance of the 
Uniform Cadastre. 
The requirements of the Law and Rules impose the 
provision of respective primary information which can be 
in semi-ton, graphic or digital form. The new attitude to 
the ownership and the transition to market economy 
require a cadastre with legal and technical indicators, 
actuality and effectiveness, different from those 
established by the presently operating Law. 
The cadastre is managed by the Main Department of 
Cadastre and Geodesy at the Ministry of Regional 
Development and Construction. Some 28 Regional 
Offices of Cadastre and Geodesy are established on the 
territory of the country which are local bodies of the 
Department of Cadastre and Geodesy. The Main 
Department, together with its Regional Offices carry out 
the state policy, planning, financing, control and approval 
of all technical activities on cadastre, geodesy, 
photogrammetry and cartography, which are for civil 
Except for some attempts in the remote past for mapping 
the area occupied by present Bulgaria, as well as the 
plane-table survey at scale of 1:42 000 made by the 
Russian Topographic Corps during and right after the 
Russian-Turkish Liberation War of 1877-1878, the 
surveying and mapping activities in the country have 
mare than hundred year history. In comparison with 
some other countries of similar size, historical fate and 
economic potential, Bulgaria is well provided in geodetic 
and cartographic aspect. 
3.1. Geodetic Networks 
On the territory of Bulgaria geodetic networks are 
constructed consisting of about 60 thousand triangulation 
points, 15 thousand bench marks, as well as 335 
fundamental bench marks, about 400 gravimetric and 
800 magnetic points. Due to the intensive development of 
particular regions about 15% of the triangulation points 
were destroyed and the portion of the destroyed 
triangulation points in the settlements and in the industrial 
areas may reach 40%. 
Four tide gauge stations on the Black Sea coast, two 
control measurement bases, one magnetic station and 
one gravimetric polygon were built. A space station for 
observation of earth artificial satellites for geodetic 
purposes as well as a geodynamic station were built. 
3.2. Topographic Maps 
The country is covered with a topographic map at scale 
of 1:25 000 with contour interval 5 and 10 m, as well as 
with by-product maps at smaller scales. The maps are 
five-coloured and are revised every 8-10 years. 
The compilation of a large-scale topographic map began 
in 1954 and was completed in 1984. About 90% of the 
map for the intensive regions of the country is at scale of 
1:5000 and about 10% of map for the high mountain and 
forest regions is at scale of 1:10 000. The contour 
interval is 1, 2, 5 and 10 m depending on the scale and 
the terrain configuration. The map is five and three- 
coloured and about 40% of it is updated. 
For some specific purposes (mainly for investigation of 
linear and hydro-technical projects) maps of scale of 
1:2000 and larger are made. 
3.3. Orthophotomaps 
In the period 1981-1991 orthophotomaps without 
contours were made at scale of 1:5000 of 60 thousand 
Sq. km and at scale of 1:10 000 of 24 thousand sq. km of 
the territory of the country. Orthophotomaps at scale of 
1:2000 are prepared for some parts of the country. 
3.4. Urban Maps 
In Bulgaria there are above 5 thousand settlements of 
different size and type as well as other settlement 
formations (hamlets, railway stations, industrial zones). 
For most of them maps at scale of 1:1000 and 1:500 are 
made and for some central parts of the towns - also 
maps at scale of 1:250. About 50-6096 of the urban maps 
are actual. The maps are three-coloured with contour 
interval 1 and 0.5 m 
3.5. Cadastral Information 
Orthophotomaps at scale of 1:2000, 1:5000 and 1:10 000 
serve mainly as a basis of the rural cadastre. Maps at 
scales of 1:1000, 1:500 and 1:250 serve as a basis of 
urban cadastre. 
A cadastral information system is created for about 20 
thousand sq. km of the territory of Bulgaria and for 
another 30 thousand sq. km input cadastral data are 
collected to be entered into the system. The main 
products of the cadastral information system are about 
20 types of balances which contain summarized data on 
definite indicators for each object. For those communes, 
for which an information system is created (1896 of the 
territory of the country) 8096 of the data necessary for the 
land reform are available. The cadastral maps included in 
the information system, are ready maps of the land and 
serve as a basis of the land reform. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 
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