- Cross-References: "better:", "also:",
"see:", "compare:", "contrary:", "camposi-
tion:" and "damain"
- Definition
- Equivalents (preliminarily known, but which
can be finally cancelled if a Reference
Booklet exists or is replaced by the exist-
ing foreign Index-Number). (Annex 2)
3.5 Index-Numbers in steps of 10 (Minimum-
After all Entries stored at a certain time
have been sorted in alphabetical order, each
is assigned a sequential number with a O0
(zero) in the last position, resulting in
Index-Numbers in steps of 10. It is obviously
the easiest way to insert new Entries at any
later time without affecting the indexing.
Therefore, this is the Minimum-Condition of
Dictionary-Work which will make possible the
connection between all Language Volumes.
3.6 Mother tongue and professionals
Each colleague engaged in the activities of WG
VI-3 should fulfill at least two essentials:
- He should be a professional expert in the
technical field or at least in same
subfields, and
- Idiam of Language Group is his mother
Two further requirements are desirable:
- He should understand at least one of the
Official Languages of ISPRS as Coordination
- Some advisors should live in different
language regions (e.g. Austria, Germany,
Switzerland) for considering regional
3.7 Foreign-to-native-language translation
For the reliability and quality of the
Dictionary it is indispensable to coordinate
the definitive Equivalents exclusively from
the foreign language to the respective mother
tongue. If, in the opposite, in the working
phase anybody else has to introduce foreign
terms, these should be understood as proposed
Preliminary Equivalents formally provided with
an interrogation mark (?) (even two, if they
are very doubtful) which can be eliminated by
mother-tongue-experts only.
3.8 Modern camputer technique
It is evident that these principles can work
only by extensive use of EDP for all campila-
tion operations as acquisition, storage,
sorting, coordination, correction and fair
output of information. So it may quasi be a
further essential that each Language Group has
available at least a Personal Computer with an
efficient text processing program (editor), a
minimm of 10 mbytes, hard disk and floppy
disk input/output.
3.9 Standard digits for Index-Numbers
The Index-Nurbers appearing anywhere in the
Glossary, entry-Lists and Reference-Boklet
have to be printed exclusively in standard
digits (0, 1, 2, ...9), which can be used,
understood and produced world-wide. Additi-
onally, in the Reference-Booklet the headings
of the colums - each representing a language
- have to be printed as Language-Symbols
according to ISO-Standard (Annex 3).
3.10 Decentralized use of characters for each
The texts of the Glossaries, specially those
not belonging to a language using Latin
characters, are to be produced in their om
country where key boards, displays and
printers with a set of their special
characters are available. Then, no problems
will arise fram orthography, reading and cor-
rection of printing errors and avoiding any
By this decentralisation of the work each LG
decides individually on the number of copies
to be printed.
Resulting from the experiences gained by the
preparation of the 1st edition of the German
Glossary and its intended improvements for the
2nd edition same changes in the German guide-
lines (Lindig, 1992, Par. 4) were decided upon
in order to tighten the Glossary, but to
extend the German Entry-List. Since the amount
of entries is continously growing due to the
technical progress, the voluminosity of the
dictionary should remain handy in spite of
more camfort of use. But the 10 Fundamental
Principles of Par. 3 shall remain valid in any
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996