Ability, organizing, development of, 14.
Accident and fire prevention, 239-43.
See also Committee on safety.
Accounting: correlation of cost rec-
ords and general accounts, 123-26;
standardized list of impersonal ac-
counts, 168-69. See also Costs; Ex-
Accounting department, 24-25, 26, 82,
94, 123, 137, 141, 103. See also
Accounting; Organization.
Accuracy in employes, 257.
Adaptability in employes, 262.
Administration: defined, 2; distribu-
tion of costs of, 150-51; expense of,
120-21, 161; standardization in,
167-69. See also Control; Organiza-
Air-washing, 52-54.
American Bridge Co., gardens main-
Linen by, plate between 242 and
American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers, conclusions of, on scientific
management, 191.
Analytic manufacturing, defined, 11.
Appearance of employes, 253.
Apprenticeship system, directed by a
committee, 7. See also Educational
Arrangement of machinery and fix-
tures, 49-51. See also Plants and
Assembling department, 90.
Athletics: favored by nearness of
workingmen's houses, 39; handled
by a committee, 7; by the employ-
ment manager, 108. See also Wel-
fare and betterment work.
Automobile assembling under scientific
management, 205.
Automobile industry, locating, with
reference to supply of materials, 33.
Banks, a factor in locating an industry,
Benefit societies, 248-50. See also Wel-
fare and betterment work.
Billing department, 113.
Bonus system on individual jobs, 227-
29. See also Wages.
Bulletin boards, for data of orders,
104 and 105.
Bulletining bureau, 4-5.
Bureau: bulletining, 4-5; instruction,
5; order-of-work, 4-5; routing, 5;
scheduling, 4-5. See also Control.
Business Organization. See Organiza-
Buying: data regarding materiai, 62-
64; filing purchase order copies, 70-
71; financial problems in, 72-73;
folowing up purchase orders, 71-72;
knowledge of markets in, 64-65;
qualifications of a purchasing agent,
61; records of former purchases,
66; relation of, to receiving and
stores departments, 73-74; requisi-
tions on purchasing department, 68-
10; the human element in, 67. See
also Purchasing department.
Cadbury Works, welfare organization
of, 239.
Carnegie Steel Co., laborers, plate be-
tween 242 and 243.
Charts: of committee control, 19; of
costs as a basis for selling prices,
120; of departmental specialization,
21; of functional control, 18; of
lay-out of flour mill, 45; of lay-out
of gas-engine manufacturing plant,
plate between 58 and 59; of lay-out
of locomotive shop, 48; of lay-out of
machine shop, plate between 50 and
51; of lay-out of ore mill, 46; of
lay-out of structural steel plant, 47;
of line-and-staff control, 17; of line
control, 17; of organization on
“seven M’s” principle, 22; of pay
increase under differential piece
work, 218; of planning of industrial
activities, 94; of progress of order,
plate between 26 and 27 ; of progress
of order (‘‘water-bottle”), 24; of re-
lation of material records to various
departments, 81; of sources of cost
data, 132; of standardized organiza-
tion, 167-68; of standardized organ-
ization in the production division,
169; showing how pay varies with
output under ordinary piece rate,
215; showing working of Diemer
combined system, 230; showing
working of Emerson efficlency sys-
tem, 232; showing working of Gantt
bonus system, 227; showing work-
ing of Halsey premium system, 222;
showing working of individual-job
bonus system, 228; showing work-
ing of Rowan premium system, 226.
See also Charting.
Charting: committee control, 19-20;
departmental specialization, 20-21;