Full text: Preisliste von Werkzeugen

& J. E. Reinecker, Chemnitz-Gablenz « 1908. 3 
2. Das Whitworth-Gewinde. 1^ engl — 25,9954 mm. 
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Grundform des Whitworth-Gewindes. 
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Schrauben- Schrauben- Gänge | Kern- Schrauben- | Schrauben- | Gängo | Kern- 
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Me c] du |. 00 | Los DA 1880». |. 6 32,578 
5/52. 4 938 43 1,703 19, | 4124 | 5 34,769 
AN S. [. 9495 40 | 2,362 19, | 44,449 | 5 37,944 
S | Bee] 32 | 2952 l' | 47,624 | 41, | 40,806 
le | 4762 |) 2 3,407 2 50,99 | 4!/ | 48,571 
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"laa | 5,556 24 | 4,201 21s | 58,974 | 4*/, | 46,746 
1 | 6,350 | 20 | 4,724 2, 57,149 | 4 49,017 
Ble | To 18 | 6,130 2s 60,324 4 52,192 
S | es (116,1 Tam a. 869901 4 55,367 
"e | ss 14 8,789 2%: | 66,674 4 58,542 
Yp | 12,700 | 12 | 9,59 95. 1 69,99 | 311. | 60.565 
ıc | 14,287 19 [1157 9s 73,024 31, | 63,730 
es | 15,875 11 |12,018 3 76,199 3!/, | 66,905 
"hs | 1740 | 11 [14505 | 8% | 79574 | St, | 70,080 
3 | 19,050 10 | 15,797 391/ | 82,548 31, | 72,540 
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Me | 20,67 10 [17,384 33s | 80,728 31/, | 75,715 
5 | 22,225 9 |18,610 3 88,898 3, | 78,890 
3/6 | 23,812 9 | 20,198 Os 92,073 3!|, | 82,065 
1 25,400 8 | 21,334 33/, 95,248 3 84,406 
17. | 2854 | 7 [23.09 3". | 98,23 8 S758 
155 1 91,249 7 127,108 4 101,598 3 90,755 
1? | 8494 | 6 199,0 

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