Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 3% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Nine Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 69 4925324, 34934601.7 23 & 82. 257450.73 952987.61 
Is. 60, 3912549.9 '31022051.8 24. 28 212243.37 | 740744.24 
2.., 61. 33562142.6 27662909.2 25.. 84' 172889.93 567854.31 
3. 22) 2926249.7  24736659.5 1 26.. 85 139490.80 428363.51 
4.. 631 2618266.9 22118392.6 27.. 86. 110331.51 318032.00 
d.. 64] 2363084.6 (19755308.0  28,. Sol 85309.61 ° 232722.39 
6.. 65] 2153341.0 |[17601967.0 29.. 88] 64041.23 168681.16 
7.. 66) 19705636.0 |15631431.0 30.. 89 47799.19 120881.97 
8.. 671 1806945.9 {13824485.1 | 3l.. 90 35865.76 85016.21 
9.. 681 1657370.5 -12167114.6 32.. 91 25362.12 ° 59654.094 
10.. 69, 1519181.8 10647932.8  33.. 92 17325.873 | 42328.921 
11.. 70] 1389460.5 9258472.3 34.. 93, 11931.636 30396 .585 
12.. 71° 1267004.6 7991467.7 35.. 94 8452.670 21943.915 
13.. 72: 1146357.3 6845110.4 36... 95 6062.295 15881.620 
14. . 73] 1026784.0 5818326.4 37.. 96 4443.204 11438.416 
15.. 74  909512.0 4908814.4 38.. 97 3323.231 8115.185 
16.. 756 794570.3 4114244.1 39.. 98 2469 .441 5645.744 
17.. 76  689710.0  3424534,1 | 40.. 99  1852.397 3793.3465 
18.. 77 593635.4 2830898.7 41..100 1445.3019 2348.0446 
19.. 78 508377.8  2322520.9 ! 42,.101  1071.1484 1276.8962 
20.. 79 434665.7 1887855.18 «+ 43..102 728.6083 548.2879 
21.. 80 367624.86 1520230.32 44..103 416.2224 132.0655 
22.. 81 309791.98 1210438.34 
Difference of Age Sixty Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N. 
0& 60: 4624217. 31354245.9 | 22 & 82! 259264.07 960541.57 
1.. 61] 3653645.3 28200600.6 | 23.. 83 213748.88 746792.69 
2.. 62] 3129405.5  25071195.1 ' 24.. 84 174125.08 572667.61 
3..'63] 2721531.1 22349664.0 25.. 85° 140518.56 432149.05 
4.. 64! 2432965.3 19916698.7 ' 26.. 86 111150.47 320998.58 
9.. 65! 2192369.4  17724329.3 | 27.. 871 85977.48 235021.10 
6.. 66] 1995040.6 15729288.7 * 28.. 88] 64603.19 170417.91 
7.. 67] 1822980.5 13906308.2 29.. 89] 48273.62 122144.29 
8.. 68] 1668346.4 12237961.8 30.. 90! 36231.80 86912.49 
9.. 69] 1526942.3 10711019.5 3le.. 91 25623.63 60288.858 
10.. 70] 1395726.1 9315293 .4 | 32.. 92 17503.184 42785.674 
11.. 71} 1273141.7 8042151.7 | 33.. 93] 12052.780 30732.894 
12.. 72! 1152118.0 6890033.7 | 34.. 94 8539.372 . 22193.522 
13.. 73} 1032132.7 5857901.0 © 35.. 95 6125.123 16068.3987 
4.. 74} 914564.8 4943336.2 | 36.. 96!  4490.589 11577 .8097 
15.. 75] 799519.6 4143816.6 | 37.. 97 3359.701 §218.1087 
16.. 76] 694368.0 3449448.6 ' 38.. 98 2497 .328 5720.7807 
17... 77° 597768.4 2851680 .2 | 39.. 9 1874.662 3846.1187 
18.. 78 511942.0 2339738.2 1 40..100 1464.3455 2381.7732 
18.. 7 437734.8 1902003.38. 41..101 1086.1098 1295.6634 
20.. 80 370239.03  1531764.35 42..102 739.2330 556.4304 
21.. 81 311958.71  1219805.64' 43..103 422.3815 134.0489 

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