Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age One Year. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 1|81355769., 837621127.1 j2 & 5312252454.0 120886649. 8 
1.. 2|60852550.5 776768576.6 | 53.. 54|2098455.8 ‘18788194.0 
2.. 3150303366.5 726465210.1 54.. 55/1951621.9 '16836572.1 
3.. 4]43512484.0 682952726.1 | 55.. 56/1811788.0 15024784.1 
4.. 5139095296.6 643857429.5 . 56.. 57|1678373.6 13346410.5 
5.. 6135861922.3 607995507.2 | 57... 58(1560074.8 (11796335.7 
6.. 7133452755.3 574542751.9 | 58.. 59(1423986.3 10372349.4 
7.. §[31491566.9 543051185.0 | 59... 60[1298297.5 9074051.9 
8.. 9/29816550.4 513231634.6  60.. 61[1172442.3 7901609.6 
9..10128336390.4 484898244.2 61... 62/1050603.2 6851006.4 
10..11/26986359.1 457911885.1 Re2- 63' 937608.3 5913398.1 
11..12|25707415.2 432204469.9 | 63.. 64' 834627.4 5078770.7 
12..13/24476517.1 407727952.8 64.. 65 741133.8 4337636.9 
13..14/23296083.9 384431868.9 65... 66 656171.3 3681465 .6 
14..15122160883.8 362270985.1 66... 67 579297.0 3102168.6 
15..16/21059634.4 341211350.7 67.. 68 509668.1 1 2592500.5 
16..17/19989295.9 321222054.8 68.. 69 446559.1 2145941.4 
17..18/18959537.4 302262517.4 69.. 70 389331.8 1756609.6 
18..19/17978224.6 284284292.8  70,. 71 337588.8 1419020.8 
19..20/17046038.9 267238253.9 71.. 72 289724.3 1129296.5 
20..21]16160587.0 251077666.9 72.. 73 244324.1 884972.4 
91..22]15322143.3 235755523.6 73.. 74 201820.2 683152.2 
99..2314528173.4 221227350.2 74.. 75 162767.6 520384.6 
23..94 13773988.7 207453351.5 75.. 76 128793.5 391591.1 
924..25113057650.3 194395711.2 76... 77 100476.6 291114.5 
25..26)12375191.2 182020520.0 | 77.. 78  77333.5 213761.0 
96..27111725156.6 170295363.4 78.. 79 59163.3 154597.72 
97..28 11104187,5 159191175.9 * 79.. 80 44694.24 109903.479 
28..29 10502008.3 148689167.6 | 80.. 81 33274.987 76628.492 
99..30 9911864.4 138777303.2 + 81,. 82 24340.509 52287.983 
30..31 9341631,8 120435671.4 82.. 83 17420.432 34867.551 
31..32 8800844.7 120634825.7 ' 83.. 84 12222.025 22645.526 
32..33 8291134.0 112343692.7 84.. 85 8394.248 14251.278 
33..34 7812164.7 104531528.0 85.. 86 5599.624 8651.654 
34..35 73606%4.0 97170334.0 86.. 87 3581.436 5070.218 
35..36 6933869.8 90236964.2 87.. 88 2176.936 2893.282 
35..37 6529163.6 83707800.6 88.. 89 1279.968 1613.314 
37..38 6144365.8 77563434.8 89.. 90 753.297 860.017 
38..39 5778554.6 71784780.2 90,. 91 420.188 439.8288 
39..40' 5429095.5 66355684.7 9l,. 92 213.3945 226.43429 
40..41 5091199.9 61264484.8 92.. 93 105.52478 120.96951 
41..42 4765162.7 56499322.1 93.. 94 54.11528 66.79423 
42,.43 4453824.6 52045497.5 94.. 95 28.90774 37.88649 
43..44 4159423.1 47886074.4 95.. 96 15.98264 21.90385 
44..45 3882804.9 44003269.5 96.. 97 9.22076 12.68309 
45..46 3623750.0 40379519.5 97,. 98 5.39676 7.28633 
46..47 3381915.1 36997604.4 98.. 99 3.17117 4.115156 
47..48 3156876.7 33840727.7 99..100| 1.960204 2.1549515 
48..49 2949449.5 30891278.2 100. .101, 1.1994255 «9555260 
49..50 2758224.3 28133053.9 |101..102 .6407188 «3148072 
50..51 2580748.5 25552305.4 1102..16G3 «2640318 «0507754 
51..52 2413201.6 23139103.8 

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