Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

* Livey 
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Two Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. | D. N. 
0 & 2[71921228.  792444275.0 } 51 & 53|2285113.6 '21526096,0 
1.. 3[54713560.1 737730714.9 | 52.. 54|2130847.0 119395249. 0 
2.. 4]46533353.5 691197361.4 1 53.. 55/1983654.3 174115047 
3.. 5[40637208.9 650560152.5 | 54., 56(1842926.0 15568668. 7 
4.. 6|36922426.3 613637726.2 | 55.. 57/1709003.9 13859664.8 
5.. 7(34059073.9 579578652.3 t 56.. 58|1580096.7 112279568. 1 
6.. 8{31883181.7 547695470.6 57.. 59|1454378.3 '10825189.8 
7.. 9130081140.3 517614330.3 | 58.. 60|1330503.9 | 9494685.9 
8..10128524048.7 4£9090281.6 | 59.. 61'1206556.8 8288129. 1 
9..11(27124215.1 461966066.5 F 60.. 62.1087005.8 7201123,3 
10,.12]25823340.4 436142726.1 | 61.. 63 972406.1 6228717.2 
11..13/24595075.3 411547650.8 | 62.. 64] 867062.5 5361654.7 
12..14/23413149.7 388134501.1 { 63.. 65, 770609.3 4591045.4 
13.,15(22276323.3 365858177.8 | 64., 66 683348.7 3907696.7 
14..16/21176632,4 344681545,4 ' 65,. 67 604118.3 3303578.4 
15.,17/20113809.9 324567735.5 1 66.. 68 532291.3 2771287.1 
16..181908753%0.5 305480155.0 * 67.. 69 467301.8 2303985.3 
17..19/18103396.8 287376758.2 * 68.. 70 408297.2 1695688. 1 
18..20|17165552.9 270211205.3 § 69.. 71 353023.6 1540664 .5 
19..21/16274693.0 253936512.3 70,. 72 305501.9 1235162.6 
20..22{15431098.5 238505413.8 | 71.. 73 259601.6 975561.0 
21.,23|14629785.9 223875627.9 72.. 74 216575.3 758985.7 
22..24/13871004.8 210004623.1 73.. 75 176560.0 582425 .7 
: 23..2513150273.4 196854349.7 74., 76 141557.5 440868.2 
24..26|12463600.5 184390749.2 75.., 77 111088.0 329780.2 
n 25..27| 11811548.2 172579201.0 y 76.. 78  86232.9 243547.3 
mn 26..28'11186611.1 161392589.9 + 77., 79. 66284.3 177263.04 
© 27..29|10584226.5 150808363.4 78.. 80 50151.81 127111.23 
=» 28..30| 9998841.0 140809522.4 , 79.. 81 37744.24 89366.991 
a 29..31) 9434352.6 131375169.8 } 80.. 82 27713.865 61653.126 
poo 30..32| 8890665.2 122484504.6 | 81.. 83 20111.588 41541.538 
ro 31..33| 8376624.9 114107879.7 } 82., 84 14223.065 27318.473 
54 32..34| 7892113,7 '06215766.0 = 83.. 85  9585.853 17432.620 
33..35| 7435428,7 98780337.3 | 84.. 86  6656.631 10775.989 
34..36) 7004993.0 91775344.3 85.. 87, 4312.613 6433.376 
I" 35..37| 6596829.7 85178514,6 | 86.. 85,  2609.108 3734.268 
poo 36..3%) 6209893.3 78968621.3 ' 87.. 89,  1633.063 2101.205 
948 37..39| 5842070.8 73126550.5 8&8... 90] 965.553 1135.652 
PY) 38..40| 5190405.4  67636145.1 | 89,. 91 535.592 £00.0602 
— 39..41] 5152394.7 62483750.4 © 90.. 92 288.5908 311.4694 
Bo 40..42| 4827949.8 57655800.6 | 2.. 93, 147.7347 163.73471 
6 41..43| 4516(34.0 53139766.6 ' 92.. 94 75.16011 €8.57460 
ASS 42..44| 4220076.0 48919690.6 93.. 95 39.02544 49.54916 
Se 43..45| 3940262.1 44979428.5 94.. 96 21.31019 28.23897 
- 44..461 3678179.1 41301249.4 - 95.. 97 12.02707 16,21190 
pa 45,.47| 3432749.1 37868500.3 96.. 98 6.89586 9.31604 
0515 46..48) 3204353.6 34664146.7 } 97.. 99 4.07722 5.238821 
was) 47..49| 2993159.5 31670987.2 98..100 2.494805 2.744016 
ond 43..50° 2797203.2  28873784.0 | 99..101] 1.465965 1.2780514 
ry 19..51, 2616551.6  26257232.4 {100.102 .8237813, .4542701 
x 50..52' 2446022.8 23811209.6 101, 2103] .3696445 - 0846256 

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