Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Three Years. 
Ages, | D. N. - Ages. D. N. 
0 & 3|64665595. 752450420.2 | 51 & 542161743.4 19980911,9 
1.. 4]50613022.7 701837397.5 | 52.. 55[2014273.5 117966638. 4 
2.. 5|43458461.4 658378936.1 | 53.. 56|1873174.4 116093464. 0 
3.. 6/38378640.9 620000295.2 54.. 5711738375.4 14355088. 6 
4.. 7|35066264.4 584934030.8 ! 55.. 58,1608933.5 112746155.1 
5.0 8]32461052.4 552472978.4 56.. 59 1482546.8 11263608.3 
6.. 9|30455215.7 522017762.7 | 57.. 60:1358900.9 9904707.4 
70.1028777169.1 493240593.6 | 58.. 61 1236487.4 8668220.0 
8..11/27303845.6 165936748.0 | 59.. 62 1118634.3 | 7549585.7 
9..12|25955955.4 439981492.6 | 60.. 63 10060991 6543486.6 
10..13|24705984 .4 415275508.2 | 61.. 64 899242.2 56442444 
11..14/23526557.1 391748951.1 | 62.. 65 800556.5 4843687.9 
12..15/22388264.6 369360686.5 | 63.. 66 710526.1 4133161.8 
13..16/21286944.7 348073741.8 | 64.. 67 629139.8 3504022.0 
14..17]20225553.3 327848188.5 | 65.. 68 555098.5 2948923.5 
15..18/19206477.8 308641710.7 66.. 69 488044.6 2460878.9 
16..19|18225658.1 290416052.6 67.. 70, 427262.7 2033616.2 
17..20 17285066.9 273130985.7 68.. 71 372317.8 1661298 .4 
18..21 16388798.8 256742186.9 69.. 72 321279.6 1340018.8 
19..22'15540053.7 241202133.2 70.. 73! 273738.8 1066280.0 
20,.23114733817.8 226468315.4 71.. 74 230117.4 836162.6 
21..24 13968021.1 212500294.3 72.. 75 189468.3 646694.3 
22..25 13242896.6 199257397.7 73.. 76' 153552.4 493141.9 
23..26 12552009.7 186705388.0 74.. 77 122097.2 371044.7 
24..27111895930.8 174809457.2 75.. 78 95339.9 275704.8 
25..28,11269034.7 163540422.5 76.. 79 73893.2 201811.64 
26..29 10662790.6 152877631,9 77.. 80; 56188.22 145623.42 
27..30 10077120.0 142800511.9 78., 81 42333.16 103270.26 
28..31 9517139.2 133283372.7 79., 82 31436.19 71834.067 
29..32' 8978910.0 124304462.7 80.. 83 22898.857 48935,210 
30..33] 8462115.9 115842346.8 8l1,. 84 16420.280 32514.930 
31..34] 7973490.4 107868856.4 82.. 85 11504.405 21010.525 
32..35) 7511522.4 100357334.0 83.. 86'  7839.473 13171.052 
33..36 7076116.3 93281217.7 84,. 87] 5162.343 8008.709 
34..37] 6664495.8 86616721.9 85.. 88! 3272.760 4735.949 
35..38 6274250.6 80342471.3 86.. 89] 2024.778 2711.171 
36..39] 5904374.2 74438097.1 87.. 90/ 1231.912 1479.259 
37.40) 5550658.2 68887438.9 88.. 91 686.504 792.7545 
38..41! 5210579.8 63676859.1 89.. 92 367.8515 424.9030 
39..42| 4885980.3 58790878.8 90.. 93 199.7936 225.1094 
40.43 4575538.5 54215340.3 | 91.. 94 105.2242 119.88521 
41..44! 4279020.4 49936319.9 | 92.. 95] 54,20201 65.68320 
42..45, 3997719.3 45938600.6 ' 93.. 96 28.76876 36.91444 
i] 3732608.2 42205992.4 © 94.. 97 16.03609 20.87835 
44, .47) 3484309.3 38721683.1 ' 95., 98 8.99460 11.88375 
45..48) 3252518.7 35469164.4 96.. 99 5.20979 6.673957 
46..49) 3038174.2 32430990.2 97..100 3.207607 3.466350 
47.750) 2838657.0 29592333.2  98..101 1.865773 1.600577 
48..51' 2653528.4 26938804.8 99..102 1.006844 5937330 
49..52 2479956.7 24458848.1 100.103] 4752572 1184758 
50..53' 2316192.8 22142655.3 

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