Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Four Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. | D. N. 
0 & 4[59819197. 715738514.9 | 50 & 54|2191144.7 20545152. 5 
1.. 5|47268548.9 668469966.0 | 51.. 55|2043479.6 118501672.9 
2.. 6/41043091.5 627426874.5 | 52.. 56/1902088.2 16599584.7 
3.. 7|36449272.4 590977602.1 | 53.. 57|1766907.8 14832676.9 
4.. 8133420986.4 557556615.7 | 54.. 58|1636585.2 113196091,7 
5.. 9[31007205.1 526549410.6 ' 55.. 59|1509603.2 11686488.5 
6..10{29135028.9 497414381.7 | 56.. 60[1385220.2 10301268.3 
7..11|27546138.0 469868243.7 | 57.. 61|1262877.7 903%390.6 
8..12(26127144.4 443741099.3 58.. 62/1146383.9 7892006.7 
9..13|24832191.5 418908907.8 59.. 6311035373.5 6856633.2 
10..14(23632648.0 395276259.8 60.. 64 930400.2 5926233.0 
11..15(22496707.8 372779552.0 61.. 65. 830267.9 5095965. 1 
12..16|21393914.4 351385637.6 62.. 66 738138.4 4357826.7 
13..17|20330911.3 331054726.3 63.. 67 654161.3 3703665.4 
14..18(19313180.4 311741545.9 64.. 68 578089.7 3125575.7 
15..19|18339186.4 293402359.5 65.. 69 508956.0 2616619.7 
16..20(17401861.6 276000557.9 66.. 70 446228.1 2170391.6 
17..21[16502904.9 259497653.0 67.. 71 389612.0 1780779.6 
18..22(15649008.9 243848644.1 68.. 72 336930.1 1443849. 5 
19.,23114837849,7 229010794.4 69.. 73 287876.2 1155973.3 
20..24|14067347.1 214943447.3 70.. 74 242649.2 913324.1 
21..25|13335519.7 201607927.6 71.. 75 201315.6 712008.5 
22..26/12640418.9 188967508.7 72.. 76 164778.8 547229.7 
23..27|11980313.3 176987195.4 73.. 77 132443.3 414786.4 
24..28/11349541,6 165637653.8 74.. 78 104788.6 309997.8 
25..29(10741354.7 154896299.1 75.. 79 81697.1 298300. 72 
, 26..30{10151920.0 144744379.1 76,. 80 62638.08 165662.64 
a 27..31| 9591647.1 135152732.0 77.. 81 47450.89 118211.75 
n 28..32| 9057700.1 126095031.9 78.. 82 35274.84 82936,91 
29..33| 8546107.3 117548924.6 79.. 83 25974.46 56962.446 
z 30..34| 8054867.2 109494057.4 80.. 84 18695.971 38266.475 
31..35| 7588974.8 101905082.6 &1.. 85 13281.636 24984.839 
32..36| 7148532.6 94756550.0 82.. 86]  9122.983 15861.856 
33..37 6732162.0 88024388.0 83.. 87| 6079.659 9782.197 
34..38 6338607.8 81685780.2 84.. 88  3890.539 5391.658 
35..39 59653565.2 75720215.0 85.. 89  2455.112 3436.546 
36..40, 5609853.9 70110361.1 86. 90|  1527.404 1909.142 
37..41' 5267761.7 64842599.4 87.. 91 875.884 1033.2584 
38..42: 4941156.9 59901442.5 88.. 92. 471.5003 561.7581 
39..43! 4630535.2 55270907.3 89.. 93 254.6665 307.0916 
$l 40,.44| 4335401.9  50935505.4  90.. 94 142.3032 164.7884 
33 41..45, 4053557.8 46881947.6 91.. 95 75.8828 88.90560 
4d 42..46, 3787037.3 43094910.3 92.. 96 39.95661 48.94899 
183 43,.47' 3535869.6 39559040.7 93.. 97 21.64873 27.30026 
ar 44, .48 3301371.9 36257668.8 94.. 98 11.99280 15.30746 
13957 15..49, 3083841.5 33173827.3 95.. 99 6.79537 8.512093 
i350 46..50| 2881348.2  30292479.1  96..100 4.098608 4.413485 
0377 47,.51) 2692853.0  27599626.1 97..101 2.398851 2.014634 
30 48..52) 2515003.3  25084422.8  98..102) 1.281438 .733196 
Ursk 49.,53' 2348325.6 22736297.2 99..103 .580870 21523261

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