Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Cazlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirty-Five Years. 
Ages. D. N. tb Ages. D. N. 
0&35 13588137. 141937865.3 | 35& 70 826770.9 5160484. 
1..36  10941341.3 130996524.0 ' 36.. 71" 746182.3 4414302.3 
Ded 9570447.3 121426076.7 | 37.. 72 668134.4 3746167 .9 
3.+33 8511543.9 112914532.8 | 38.. 73 592169.6 3153998.3 
4..39 7785719.0 105128813.8 39.. 74 519053.0 2634945 .3 
5..40 7184883.6 97943930.2 40.. 75 448694.2 2186251.1 
6..41 6697310.3 91246619.9 4l.. 76 385150.1 1801101.0 
7..42  6273005.2 84973614.7 42.. 77 327626.6 1473474 .4 
8..43 5892752.8 79080861.9 43.. 78 277140.5 1196333.9 
9..44 5546751.6  73534110,3 44.. 79 234019.6 962314.31 
10..45 5227786.5 68306323.8 | 45.. 80 195439.08 766875.23 
11..46 4930047.9 63376275.9 | 46.. 81 162603.99 604271.24 
12..47 4647682.4 58728593.5 ' 47.. 82 133422.05 470849.19 
13..48 4381645.7 54346947.8 ' 48.. 83 108631.41 362217.78 
14..49  4132882.5 50214065.3 49.. 84 87457.12 274760.66 
15..50 3897894.3 46316171.0 | 50.. 85 69772.23 204988.43 
16..51 3674793.5 42641377.5 | 61.. 86 54586.90 150401.53 
17..52 3459589.6 39181787.9 562.. 87 41728.12 108673.41 
18..53 3253310.6 35928477.3 53.. 88 30969.86 77703.55 
19..54 3056240.7 32872236.6 o4.. 89 22857.36 54846.19 
20. .53 2868785.2 30003451.4 55.. 90 16951.27 37894.92 
21..56 2689880,2 27313571.2 56.. 91 11836.28 26058.640 
22..57  2519658.4 24793912.8 57.. 92 7974.859 18083.781 
23..58 2335529.1 22438383.7 58.. 93 5405.683 12678.098 
24..59 2194539.8 20243843.9 99.. 94 3757 .002 8921.096 
25..60 2035927.3 18207916.6 60.. 95 2632.772 6288.324 
26..61 1878224.9 16329691.7 | 61.. 96 1875.829 4412.495 
27..62 1728527.3 14601164.4 62.. 97 1361.064 3051.431 
28..63 1587444.0 13013720.4 63.. 98 979.811 2071.620 
29..64 1455234.8 11558485.6 64.. 99 711.929 1359.6908 
30..65 1330409.3 10228076.3 ' 65..100 537.8087 821.8821 
31..66 1214286.6 9013789.7 66..101 385.6819 436.2002 
32..67 1106549.4 7907240.3 67..102, 253.6831 182.5671 
33..68 1006461.0 6900779.3 68..103 139.8312 42.7359 
34..69 913523.8 59872565.5 
Difference of Age Thirty-Six Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 &36 12031499. 1133746438.4 { 10 & 46 4952279.5 63839318.8 
1..37 + 10409507.0 123336931.4 11.. 47 4670194.6 59169124.2 
2..38 9102460.9 114234470.5 12.. 48  4403664.0 54765460.2 
3..39 8092786.6 106141683.9 | 13... 49 4154411.3 ~- 50611048.9 
4..40 7397354.0 98744329.9 14.. 50 3919549.3 46691499.6 
5..41 6818696.6 91925633.3 15.. bl  3697684.0 42993815.6 
0..42 6351013.4 85574619.9 16.. 52  3482954.0 39510861.6 
7..43 5945044.6  79629575.3 17.. 63  3275961.6 36234900.0 
8..44 5583485.1  74046090.2 18.. 54  3077668.7 33157231.3 
9..45 5254491.9 68179598.3 19.. 55 2889041.0 30268190.3 

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