Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age One Year. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
| ers mesm———————— ——————————— ree sae || sears r—— mrt rr em - (3 
0 & 1182145631.  997544037.8 | 52 & 53|3758807.0 37692444.3 3 
1.. 2|62039889.7 935504148.1 | 53.. 54|3535819.2 34156625.1 
2.. 3,51782783.8 883721364.3 54.. 53|3320335.6 30836289.5 il 
3.. 4 45227058.0 838494306.3 55.. 56|3112359.9 27723929.6 bo? 
4.. 5/41030336.7 797463969.6 } 56.., 57/2911167.4 24812762 .2 = 
5.. 6380023322 759461637.4 57.. 5812714734.4 22098027 .8 » 
6.. 7'35793543.7 723668093.7 i 58.. 59 2518120.7 119579907.1 fa 
7.. 8 34022262.1 689645831.6 ' 59.. 60 2318147.7 17261759.4 ba 
8.. 9 32525383.2 657120448.4 ' 60.. 61 2113754.3 15148005. 1 gl 
9..10:31210855.2 625909593.2 + 61.. 62 1912484.4 13235520.7 a. 
10..11]30012456.6 595897136.6 62.. 63 1723362.5 11512158.2 TIRE 
11..12|28867673.6 567029463.0 63.. 64 1548973.6 I 9963184.6 12.43 
12..13]27752308.1 539277154.9 64.. 65 1388813.6 8574371.0 13.05% 
13..14/26670338.6 512606816.3 65.. 66 1241540.5 7332830.5 1.16/24 
14..15125617031.4 486989784.9 { 66., 67 1106728.2 6226102.3 pis 
15..16]24580383.8 462409401.1 § 67.. 68 983157.8 5242944.5 IRE 
16..17|23557621.6 438851779.5 | 68.. 69 869782.8 4373161.7 In. al 
17..18/22560971.6 416290807.9 1 69.. 70: 765680.9 3607480.8 15. 3188 
18..19121600956.6 394689851.3 | 70.. 71 670366.4 2937114.4 19. 311198 
19..20]20679772.7 374010078.6 1 71.. 72 580904.8 2356209.6 a, 
20..21|19795913.3 354214165.3 | 72.. 73 494632.6 1861577.0 ee 
21..22]18951083.1 335263082.2 | 73.. 74 412550.6 1449026. 4 3 241m) 
29..23|18143524.4 317119557.8 | 74.. 75 335951.6 1113074.8 2 he 
23..24|17368666.7 299750891.1 } 75.. 76 268409.8 844665.0 mer 
24..25|16625239.0 283125652.1 * 76.. 77 211429.6 633235.4 SE 4 
25..26|15909203.8 267216358.3 © 77.. 78 164352.6 468882.82 % xg 
26..27115219968.4 251996389.9 78.. 79 126924.6 341958.22 ur ha 
27..28]14553853.2 237442536.7 | 79.. 80  96814.55 245143.670 % aha 
28..29 13898236.1 223544300.6 | 80.. 81  72778.509 172365.161 a 
29..30113244598.1 210299702.5 | 81.. 82 53754.634 118611.127 gy 
30..31'12603822.8 197695879.7 | 82.. 83  38845.115 79766.012 3 pl 
31..32'11989471.0 185706408.7 | 83.. 84 27517.997 52248.015 3 al 
32..33111404748.5 174301660.2 | 84.. 85 19083.217 33164.798 3.3500 
33..34'10850238.5 163451421.7 | 85.. 86  12853.599 20311.199 vg 
34..85 10322449.9 153128971.8 | 86.. 87  8300.786 12010,413 Bul 
35..35! 9818289.0 143310682.8 °~ 87.. 88  5094.528 6915.885 8.30 
35..37| 9334988.6 133975694.2 + 88,. 89  3024.500 3891.385 a 
37..38| 8870118.4 125105575.8 89.., 90  1797.284 2094.101 os 
38..39! 8423162.9 116682412.9 90.. 91  1012.255 1081.8455 Be 
39..40! 7990465.3 108691947.6 i 91.. 92 519.0699 562.77555 =i 
40. .41! 7565904.7 101126042.9 | 92.. 93]  259.17501 303.60054 BE 
a1. .42| 7150139.9  93975903.0 | 93.. 94 134.20065 169 .39989 a 
42..43 6747859.9  87228043.1 | 94.. 95, 72.38438 97.01551 “ud 
43..45 6363002.9 80865040.2 ' 95.. 96! 40.40876 56.60675 — 
44,.44' 5997506.4 74867533.8 , 96.. 97! 23.53909 33.06766 dy 
45..46] 5651704.9 69215828.9 | 97.. 98 13.91081 19.15685 5.4 
46..47] 5325741.7 63890087.2 | 98.. 99 8.25345 10.903404 i.8 
47..48 5019623.3 58870463.9 | 99..100 5.151252 5.7521519 Log 
48..49y 4735333.4  54135130.5 '100..101 3. 1825912 2.5695607 A 
49..50, 4471315.2 49663815.3 101..102 1.7166079 .8529528 "3 
50..51 4224229.8  45439585.5 102..103 .7142613 - 1386915 
51..52' 3988334.2 41451251,3

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