Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-Four Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
a 28&72 731372.4  4162676.5 | 44 & 88 35286.96 90017.39 
73 29..73  649630.9 3513045.6 | 45.. 89] 26079.35 63938. 04 
5s 30..74 570190.2 2942855.4 | 46.. 90 19381.80 4455624 
28 31..75 493784.6 2449070.8 | 47.. 91! 13576.21 30980.026 
- 32..76  425056.8 2024014.0 | 48.. 92° 9188.160 21791.866 
3 33..77 362909.6 1661104.4 § 49.. 93  6272.393 15519.473 
gy 34..78 308332.4 1352772.0 | 50.. 94' 4406.386 11113.087 
ph 35..79 261528.4 1091243.60 ' 51.. 95 3135.044 7978.043 
es 36..80 219419.34 871824.26 52.. 96' 2278.059 5699984 
Li 37..81 183344.14  688480.12 53.. 971 1688.200 4011.784 
Ha 38..82 151044.93  537435.19 ! 54.. 9s! 1242.155 2769.629 
ap 39..83 123408.74 414026.45 55.. 99 922.586 1847.0433 
i 40..84  99561.44  314465.01 56..100 712.8014  1134.2419 
41..85  79483.53 934981.48 57..101' 522.9495 611.2924 
$1.9 42..86  62162.12 172819.36  58..102' 351.6631 259.6293 
077 43,.87  47515.01 125304.35 59..103° 197.9710 61.6583 
9.13 er 
Bo Difference of Age Forty-Five Years. 
75.47% - oo 
18.210 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
37.980 TF limi ye ee 
a i 08&45 8092549. 75671582.3 30 & 75' 498824.1 24759370 
5 1..46 6486259.6  69185322.7 31.. 76 429439.7 2046497.3 
12407 2..47 5649112.8  63536209.9 32.. 77 366623.6 1679873.7 
o 3..48 5005039.4  58531170.5 33.. 78 311462.9 1368410.8 
16,3974 4.,49 4565416.2  53965754.3 34.. 79 264210.9 1104199.86 
i 130 
3 5..50 4205394.8  49760359.5 35.. 80 221693.32 882506.54 
ps 6..51 3918371.1  45841988.4 36.. 81 185299.43 697207.11 
ped 7.52 3668199.8  42173788.6 37.. 82) 152702.52 544504.59 
or 8..53 3442946.6  38730842.0 | 38.. 83 124802.37 419702.22 
9,.54 3235638.5  35495203.5 39.. 84 100758.14 318944. 08 
10..55 3043079.3  32452124.2 | 40.. 85 80530.83 238413.25 
11..56 2860694.5  29591429.7 | 41.. 86 63030.37 175332. 88 
12..57 2685397.8  26906031.9 | 42.. &7 48207.89 127174.99 
13..58 2515513.8  24390518.1 | 43.. 88 35809,13 91365.86 
14,.59 2347983.5  22042534.6 ' 44.. 89  26471,07 64894.79 
ia 15..60 2181721.7  19860812.9 | 45.. 90 19673.13 45221.66 
$12 16..61 2015004.5  17845808.4 | 46.. 91 13780.38 31441.282 
1.0 17..62 1855637.9  15990170.5 | 47.. 92 9324.326 22116.956 
4 18..63 1705646.1  14284524.4 ~ 48.. 93 6361.034 15755.922 
i 19,.64 1566331.3  12718193.1 49.. 94 4467.517 11288.405 
20..65 1436049.7  11282143.4 ; 50.. 95 3177.683 8110.722 
8.6 21..66 1314734.3 9967409.1 | 51.. 96  2311.090 5799.632 
9 22..67  1202031.3 8765377.8 ' 52.. 97 ,1714.258 4085 .374 
19.1 23..68  1096770.3 7668607.5 53.. 98  1262.542 2822.832 
#4 24..69  998518.3 6670089.2 54.. 99 938.441 1884.3910 
) 25..70  906487.5 5763601.7 55..100 725.8100 1158.5810 
nt 2..71  820561.5 4943040.2 56..101 533.0780 625.5030 
27..72  737098.1 4205942.1 57..102 359.1686 266.3344 
28..73  655331.4  3550610.7 58.,103 202.8821 63.4523 
29..74 575849.6 2974761.1

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