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Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives.
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.)
v Difference of Age Fifty Years—continued.
3488.1 =
2161.5 : 1
33975,33 A we rn wi A re >.
N976.3 TE el rere re errent
es 0 34&84 106270.81 339432.71 » 44 & 94 4808.242 12147.375
047.13 35..85 85084.99 254347.72 | 45.. 95] 3416.172 8731.203
017.19 36..86 66780.23 187567.49 | 46.. 96] 2481.039 6250.164
WIS 13 37..87 ' 51242.84 136324.65 } 47,. 97] 1839.339 ' 4410.825
15365.39 38..88 38199.36 98125.29 | 48.. 98° 1355.486 3055.339
Sa 39..89 928335.85 69789.44 | 49.. 99 100.793 2045.5461
40..90 21121.46 48667.98 | 50..1000 783.5469 1261.9992
Hig 41..91 14821.99 33845,991 51.,101' 578.1231 683.8761
ia 42..92 10039.705 23806.286 . 52..102, 391.3877 292.4884
. 43..93 6850.669 16935.617 53..103| 222.3676 70.1208
id = ;
gi Difference of Age Fifty-One Years.
%03.373 =
£161,097 Ages. D. N. 1 Ages. D. N.
(348.618 se
1.02 0&5] 5869340. 49530098.3 + 27 & 78 329734.0 1458753.3
016.0443 1..52 4706799-9 44823298.4 28.., 79 280355.3 , 1178397.97
24.010 2..53 4097717.5 40725580.9 29.. 80 235585.33 942812.64
¥73.1500 3..54 3624832.0 37100748.9 30.. 81 196996.30 745816.34
REIS 4,.55 3296512.1 33804236.8 | 31.. 82 162415.46 583400. 88
) 5..56 3023501.9 30780734.9 ' 32.. 83, 132827.78 450573.10
6..57 2801205.5 27979529.4 33.. 84 107349.80 343223.30
7..58 2604789.2 25374740.2 34.. 85 85957.74 257265 ,56
8..59 2422481.5 22952258.7 35.. 86 67472.32 189793.24
9..60 2248558.6 20703700,1 36.. 87 51789.32 138003.92
v 10..61 2079049.5 18624650.6 | 37.. 88 38618.56 99385.36
an 11..62 1918894.9 16705755.7 38.. 89 28655.85 70729.51
55 1 12..63 1767509.0 14938246.7 39.. 90 21375.34 49354.17
iy 13..64 1626348.8 13311897.9 } 40.. 91 15017.29 34336.883
ig 14..65 1493821.8 11818076.1 41.. 92 10179.936 24156,947
a 15..66 1369741.4 10448334.7 | 42.. 93 6950.565 17206. 382
as 16..67 1253275.3 9195059.4 | 43,. 94 4879.393 12326. 989
1934.9 17..68 1143856.2 8051203.2 | 44.. 95 3467.482 859.507
0411.3 18..69 1041521.5 7009681.7 : 45.. 96 2518.331 6341.176
024.9 19..70 945652.1 6064029.6 1 46.. 97 1867.001 4474.175
5301.6 20..71 856274.8 5207754.8 | 47.. 98 1375.575 3098.600
_ 21..72 769416.9 4438337.9 48.. 99 1024.063 2074.5371
AS 22..73 684632.1 3753705.8 49..100 794.4171 1280.1200
Mi 23..74 602631.0 3151074.8 50..101 585.9859 694.1341
a 24..75 523491,3 2627583.5 51..102 397.0625 297.0716
Late 1 VE
5 95..76 452045.8 2175537.7 52..103 225.7999 71,2717
186.73 26..77 387050.4 1788487.3