Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 4 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age F ifty-Three Years—continued. 
) Ages, D. N. Ages. D. N. 
N P————t dp | ———— —— ns St mee— —— | A —————— ——— “— ta——————— 
a 38&91  15369.42 35291.729 + 45 & 98 1417.249 3188.621 
Why 39..92  10438.042 24853.687 | 46.., 99 1054,869 2133.7515 
30,66 40..93 7140.509 17713.178 47..100 817.5832 1316.1653 
43.07 41..94 5019.693 12693.485 + 48,.101 602.5115 713.6568 
8.42 42..95  3570.106  9123.379 19.102 408.0463 305.6105 
I 43,.96 2593.981 6529.398 50..,103 232,1894 73.4211 
6.03 44,.97 1923.528 4605.870 
97.63 a 
0.14 - 
Kg Difference of Age Fifty-Four Years. 
046,89 — 
il. 3 Ages. D. N. ! Ages. D. N. 
163.9% NsiI 
001,24 0&54 4983272. . 39187970.9 25 & 79 286744.6 1212690.18 
4821446 1..55 3985680.,2 35202290.7 26.. 80) 241290.98 971399.20 
07.37% 2..56  3460323.8 31741966.9 27., 81! 202268.63 769130.57 
3 7g 3..57  3052122.4 28689844.5 28,, 82 167155.60 601974.97 
00.162 4..58 2764379.1 25925465.4  29.. 83 136912 57 465062.40 
30.340 5..59  2519217.6 23406247.8 30.. 84' 110684.86 354377 .54 
£34.233 6..60 2311932.4 21094315.4  31,, 85 88623.58 265753.96 
199.169 7..61  2122175.9 18972140.2 32,. 86) 69561.16 196192.80 
{is 8..62 1950225.1 | 17021915.1 33.. 87 5339950 142793.30 
wp 9..63 1793193.1  15228722.0 34.. 88 39839.41 102953.89 
198.0240 10..64 1649845.1 13578876.9 35.. 89, 29532. 72 73371.17 
103.9086 11..65 1516459.0 12062417.9 36, 90) 22087.01 51284.,16 
AGT 12..66  1391483.3  10670934.6 37.. 91, 15538.08 35746. 082 
n.y18 13..67 1274693.6 9396241.0 38.. 92 10555.916 25190.166 
14..68  1165192.0 8231049.0 39,, 93] 7226.337 17963.829 
15..69  1062432.9 7168616.1 40,, 94 5085.834 12877.995 
16..70 965388.4 6203227.7 41.. 95! 3619,971 9258.024 
17..71 874412.6 5328815.1 | 42., 96 2631.808 6626.216 
18.,72 785830.7 4542984.4 43,, 97] 1951,993 4674.223 
19..73 699225.3 3843759.1 | 44,, 98 1438.536 3235.687 
$45.0 20.74 615465.8  3228993.3 + 45,, 99, 1070.795 2164.9623 
1.1 21..75 534631.2 2693662,1  46.,.100 829.8790 1335.0833 
0.0 22..76 461734.2 2231927.9 + 47.,101 611.4404 723.6429 
8.1 23..77 395473. 3 1836454.6 48.,102| 413.8127 309.8302 
7.4 24..78 337019.8 1499434.8 ' 49.,103 235.4106 74.4196 
$0.7 Difference of Age Fifty-Five Years. 
13.39 — —- : - : 
gn Ages, D. N. Ages, D. N. 
01.28 0&55 4710649, 36090435.7 | 8 & 63, 1805068.5 15320599.6 
134.28 1..56  3763697.0 32326738.7 9,.. 64 1658273.1 13662326.5 
367 65 2..57  3264017.0 29062721.7 10.. 65 1523297.3 12139029.2 
948.3 3..58  2873405.8 26189315.9 11., 66 1398223.3 10740805.9 
002.06 4.59 2593715.6  23595600.3 12.. 67 1281099.1 9459706.8 
©. 2..60  2353835.3  21241765.0 13.. 68 1171261. 8288445 2 
wa 0..61 2148565.7  19093199.3 | 14.. 69 1068333.3 7220109. 9 
7.62 1967531.2 171256681 ' 15., 70' 971401. 6248708.0 

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