Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 4% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age One Year. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. | D. N. 
0& 1 80966507. |773489109,5 | 52 & 53|1746865.7 '15600714.4 
Tes 21 60271622.8 '713217486.7 t 53... 54/1619647.3 13981067. 1 
2.. 3! 49584757.5 663632729.2 54.. 55/1499109.4 12481957 .7 
3.. 4, 42685666.8 620947062.4 55.. 56/1385039.4 11096918.3 
4.. 51 38168909.8 582778152.6 56.. 57|1276910.4 9820007 .9 
5.. 6' 34844629.7 547933522.9 57.. 58/1173657.8 8646350. 1 
6.. 7 32348283.3 515585239.6 | 58. 59/1073029.5 7573320.6 
7.. 8 30306142.7 485279096.9 | 59.. 60| 973637.2 6599683 .4 
8.. 9 28556885.0 156722211.9 | 60.. 61| 875047.3 5724636.1 
9..10' 27009404,8 129712807.1 i 61. 62] 780361.4 4944274.7 
10..11 25599520.6 404113286.5 | 62.0 63! 693099.5 4251175.2 
11..12 24269620.9 379843665.6 ' 63.. 64) 614021.7 3637153.5 
12.13 22997003.5 356846662.1 ' 64.. 65 542631.2 3094522.3 
13..14 21783196.3 335063465.8 | 65., 66 478126.2 2616396.1 
14..15' 20622571.1 314440894.7 ! 66.. 67 420091.0 2196305.1 
15..16| 19503996.2 294936898.5 67.. 68 367829.6 1828475.5 
16..17| 18424144.3 276512754.2 68.. 69. 320741.5 1507734.0 
17..18] 17391402.9 259121351.3 69.. 70 278300.0 1229434.0 
18..19| 16412348.5 242709002.8 70.. 71 240158.8 989275.2 
19..20| 15486898.,4 227222104.4 7l.. 72 205122.1 784153.1 
20..21| 14612185.1 212609919,3 72.. 73 172151.6 612001.5 
21..22| 13787787.8 '198822131.5 73.. 74 141522.6 470478.9 
99..23| 13010774.3 185811357.2  74.. 75 113591.7 356887 .2 
23..24 12276339.6 173535017.6 | 75.. 76 89451.9 267435.3 
24,.25 11582205,4 161952812.2 1 76.. 77° 69450.9 197984 .4 
95..26] 10924339.1 151028473.1 | 77.. 78 53212.1 144772.3 
26..27] 10300989.9 140727483.2 | 78.. 79° 40504.1 104268.23 
97..28] 9708768.5 131018714.7 § 79.. 80 30451.96 73816.271 
98..29] 9138328.9 121880385.8 | 80.. 81| 22563.100 512563.171 
29..30" 8583547,3 113296838.5 | 8l.. 82] 16425.842 34827.329 
30..31 8051026.5 105245812.0 | 82.. 83] 11699.678 23127.651 
31..32 7548660.9 97697151.1 ' 83.. 84 8169.123 14958.528 
32..33 7077445.6 90619705.5 84.. 85 5583.814 9374.714 
33..34 6636682.6 83983022.9 | 85.. 86! 3707.021 5667.693 
34..35' 6223224.5 77759798.4 ' 86.. 87"  2359.612 3308.081 
35..36! 5834309.1 71925489.3 1 87.. 88:  1427.402 1880.679 
36..37 5467494.6 66457994.7 88.. 89: 835.249 1045.430 
37..38 5120648.0 61337346.7 89.. 90, 492.474 552.956 
38..39: 4792825.5 56544521.2 : 90.. 91 271.578 281.3783 
39..40 4481355.9 52063165.3 i91.. 92 137.2625 144.11578 
40..41 4182338.3 47880827.0 | 92., 93 67.55230 76.56348 
41..42 3895774.2 43985052.8 93.. 94] 34.47645 42.08703 
42..43 3623816.7 40361236.1 ! 94.. 95 18.32879 23.75824 
43..44/ 3368086.3 36993149.8 l'95.. 96 10.08522 13.67302 
44..45' 3129051.9 33864097.9 | 96.. 97 5.79056 7.88246 
45..46] 2906313.6 30957784.3 97.. 98 3.37290 4.50956 
46..47 2699379.7 28258404.6 ' 98., 9 1.97246 2.537095 
47..48 2507702.3 25750702.3 99..100 1.213407 1.3236883 
48..49, 2331719.6 23418982.7 1100..101 .7389163 «6847720 
49..50) 2170111.2 21248871.5 '101..102, «3928316 «1919404 
50..51] 2020762.1 19228109.4 i102..103 .1611066 «0308338 
51,.52' 1880529.3 17347580.1

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