Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 44 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirteen Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 &13' 35932818. 404399511.4 1 16 & 59,1300650.2 107829649 
1..14! 989492780.1 375456791.3 {| 47.. 60 1191530.4 | 9591434.5 
2..15 25323280.2 350133511.1 ' 48,. 61 1085942.5 + 8505492.0 
3..16/ 99519375.9 327614135.2 y 49.. 62] 988029.2 7517462.8 
4..17 20592902.2 307021233.0 | 50. 63 897660.8 6619802.0 
5..18| 19007777.0 288013456.0 51..:64 815063.3 5804738.7 
6..,19| 17741068.4 270272387.6 | 52.. 65 738240.7 5066498.0 
7..200 16651004.1 253621383.5 53., 66 667127.1 4399370.9 
8..21 15682305.7 237939077.8 54., 67 601395.2 3797975.7 
9,.22 14804714.1 223134363.7 I 55,4 68 540660,3 3257315.4 
10..23! 13996603.1 209137760.6 | 56.0 69 484504.0 2772811.4 - 
11..24] 13239835.7 195897924.9 ' 57.. 70 432494.6 2340316.8 Wn 
12..25 12519188.3 183378736.6 | 58.. 71 384294.1 1956022.7 [Yat 
13..26 11832997.5 171545739.1 | 59.. 72 337726.1 1618296.6 8 
14..27 11181763.4 160363975.7 60.., 73° 292649.7 1325646.9 we 
15..28| 10558474.4 149805501.3 | 61.5774 249525.0 , 1076121.9 “i 
16..29, 9953910.4 1398515690.9 62.0 75 209475.2 . 866646.7 
17..30, 9368389.0 130483201.9 63.. 76 174524.5 692122.2 
18..31. 8813034.4 121670167.5 64.. 77 144081.9 548040.3 
19..32 8289335.3 113380832.2 b 65., 78 118170.6 429869.7 
20..33 7796968.8 105583863.4 F 66.. 79 96635.6 333234.,08 - 
21..34 %7334067.9 98249795.5 67.. 80 78059.55 255174.53 
22..35. 6898738.0 91351057.5 68.. 8l 62693.68 192480.85 
23..36, 6488247.8 84862809.7 69... 82 49552,27 142928.58 
94,,37 6100063,1 78762746.6 | 70., 83 38746.10 104182.48 i 
25..38, 5733058.3 73029688.3 !' 71.. 84 29857.28 74325.20 “he 
26. .39)| 5385238.7 67644449.6 72.. 85 22620.26 51704.94 N 
27..401 5054613.5 62589836.1 73.. 86 16635.77 35069.17 - 
28..41 4736961.6 57852874.5 74.. 87 11836.64 23232.53 . 
29..42 4431647.2 53421227.3 75.. 88 8077.35 15155.18 : 
0.43 1 4188780.2 49282447.1 ' 76.. 89 5454.33 9700.85 a4 
31..44| 3863372.8 45419074.3 77.. 90 3697.63 6003.22 
32..45' 3605127.0 41813947.3 78.. 91 2319.89 3683.332 
33..46 3364363.9 38449583.4 79.. 92 1413.150 2270.1816 
34..47 3139905.5 35309677.9 = 80... 93 858.3646 1411.8170 
35.448, 2930754.2 32378923.7 } 8l.. 94 534.3850 877.4320 
36..49 9737101.5 29641822.2 82.. 95 332.2093 545.2227 
37 +..50| 9556136.0 27085686.2 83.. 96 209.4364 335.7863 
38..51 9387045.4 24698640.8 84.. 97 133.1828 202.6035 
39. 52! 99926463.5 22472177.3 85. 98. 83.3856 119.2179 
Pog 92073279.7 20398897.6 * 86. 99, 51.7065 67.51135 
41..54] 1926576.5 18472321.1 , 87..100 32.65164 34.85971 
42..55, 11787497.1 16684824.0 88..101 19.04761 15.81210 
43..56. 1655722.2 15029101.8 89..102 10.15750 5.65460 
44,.570 1531653.9 13497447.9 90..103 4.57542 1.07918 
45,,58- 1413832.8 12083615.1 

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