Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. en Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4} per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Five Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. bo Ages. D. N. 
16 & 71 626253.5 3716378.5 33 & 88 26387.64 67257 .29 
17.. 72 560234.5 3156144.0 34.. 89 19502.38 47754.91 
18.. 73 496130.7 |, 2660013.3 35.. 90, 14589.21 33165.70 
19.. 74 434631.5 2225381.8 36.. 917 m10148,77 23015.927 
20.. 75 375759.8 | 1849622.0 37.. 92 6864.432 16151.495 
21,. 76] 322934.6 1526687 .4 38.. 93, 4678.223 11473.272 
22.. 77) 275282.2 1251405.2 39.. 94 3279.094 8194.178 
23. el 233482.9 1017922.3 40.. 95 2325.465 5868.713 
24.. 79) 197712.3 820209.95 | 41.. 96 1683.896 4184.817 
25.. 80, 165612.46 654597.49 § 42.. 97 1243.711 2941.106 
26.. 81 138172.36 516425.13 | 43.. 98 912.369 2028.737 
27.. 82 113685.67 402739.46 | 44.. 99 675.990 1352.7466 
28. . 83] 92758.28 309981.18 45..100 521.4339 831.3127 
29.. 84 74715.34 235265.,84 46..101 382.3481 448,9646 
30.. 85 59553.65 175712.19 47..102 257.4729 191.4917 
3l.. 86. 46525.19 129187.00 48..103 145.6726 45.8191 
32.. 87 35542.07 93644.93 
Difference of Age Fifty-Six Years. 
Ages, D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 56] 3400539. | 24333757.5 ¢ 24 & 80} 166795.60 660269.16 ) 
1.. 57] 2700984.6 ' 21632772.9 ' 25.. 81 139190.42 521078.74 
2.. 58' 2326677.9 19306095.0 26.. 82 114529.53 406549.21 
3.. 59 2031550.1 17274544.9 | 27.. 83 93484.46 313064.75 
4.. 60 1817421.5 15457123.4 28... 84 75370.97 237693.78 
5.. 61 1632636.7 13824486.7 | 29.. 85 60144.75 177549.03 
6.. 62 1479606.0 12344880.7 | 30.. 86 47000.03 130549.00 
7.. 63 1346184.9 10998695.8 | 31.. 87 35908.54 94640.46 
8.. 64 1228043.8 9770652.0 I 32.., 88 26657.70 67982.76 
9.. 65 1121000.2 8649651.8 33.. 89 19700.38 48282.38 
10.. 66: 1023424.6 7626227.2 | 34.. 90 14738.85 33543.53 
11.. 67, 933519.9 6692707.3 | 35.. 91 10254.95 23288.575 
12.. 63] 849552.4 5843154.9 | 36.. 92, 6937.639 16350.936 
13.. 69 771330.2 5071824.7 } 37.. 93 4729.562 11621.374 
14.. 70! 698229.9 4373594.8 ' 38.. 94 3316.124 8305.250 
15.. 71  630154.5 3743440.3 | 39.. 95 2353.416 5951.834 
16.. 72 564018.0 ' 3179422.3 | 40.. 96 1706.083 4245.751 
17. 73 499585.0 2679837.3 | 41.. 97 1261.082 2984.669 
18.. 74 437678.8 2242158.5 + 42.. 98 925.674 2058.995 
19.. 75 378412.9 1863745.6 + 43.. 99 685.991 1373.0041 
20.. 76 325231.0 1538514.6 44..100, 529.2656 843.7385 
21... 77 277207.5 1261307.0 | 45..101 388.0952 455.6433 
22... 78 235127.4 1026179.6 I 46..102 261.3452 194.2981 
23... 79 199114.8 827064.76} 47..103 147.8315 46.4666 

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