Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 4% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Nine Years, 
Ages. D. N. * Ages. D. N 
i seiiappiiia } pd et me — —— ri pp — — srr —— nt time St ee, nant 8 set 
0 & 59] 2792893. 18343819.8 | 23 & 82 117021.86 417085.36 
1.e 60] 2197371.3 16146448.5 | 24.. 83 95550.06 321535.30 
2¢0 61) 1868512.8 14277935.7 = 25., 84 77088.71 244446.59 
3.. 62, 1612141.0 12665794.7 ' 26.. 85 61601.39 182845.20 
doo 63] 1428662.7 11237132.0 27.. 86 48257.92 134587.28 
5. 64 1277082.8 9960049.2 28.. 87 36956.54 97630.74 
6. 65 1152594.7 8807454.5 : 29., 88 27477.49 70153.25 
7.: 66 1044653.6 7762800.9 | 30., 89 20312.43 49840.82 
8.. 67 948761.6 | 6814039.3 | 31.. 90 15195.95 34644 .,87 
9.. 68 861897.4 5952141.9 ¥ 32., 91 10572.43 24072.443 
10. 69 782473.9 5169668.0 33.. 92 71563.337 16919.106 
11. 70, 708810.8 4460857.2 ' 34.. 93 4879.077 12040.029 
12.. 71, 640156.9 3820700.3 . 35.. 94 3423,384 8616.645 
13.. 72 573656.9 3247043.4 | 36.. 95 2431,772 6184.873 
14.., 731 508903.6 2738139.8  37.. 96°  1765.250 4419,623 
15.4 74| 446466.4 2291673.4 38.. 97 1307.658 3111.965 
16.. 75| 386310.7 1905362.7 39.. 98 962.401 2149.564 
17. 76] 332120.0 1573242.7 40.. 99 715.016 1434.5478 
18.. 77] 283121.1 1290120.6 = 41..100 552.5411 882.0067 
19.. 781 240139.3 1049981.3 | 42..101 405.5828 476.4239 
20. 79) 203355.5 846625.84) 43,.102 273.2423 203.1816 
21... 80 170345.04 676280.80) 44..103 154.5979 48.5837 
22.. 81 142178.58 53410722 
Difference of Age Sixty Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 60 2597059. 16598678.7 22& 82 117846.10 420377 .77 
1.. 61] 2032329.1 | 14566349.6 23.. 83 96227.84  324149.93 
2.. 62] 1724064.5 12842285,1 24.. 84 77639.44 246510.49 
3.. 63] 1485008.9 11357276.2  25.. 85 62055.28 184455.21 
4.. 64' 1314848.6 10042427.6 26.. 86 48616.13 135839.08 
5., 65, 1173485.2 8868942.4 27.. 87 37245.87 98593.21 
6.. 66° 1057644.4 7811298.0 28,., 88 27718.60 70874.61 
7.. 67 957180.8 6854117.2 29.. 89 20514.04 50360.57 
8.. 68 867605.5 5986511.7 30.. 90 16351.04 35009.53 
9.. 69 786471.0 5200040.7 31.. 91 10681.44 24328.094 
10.. 70} 712007 .2 4488033.5 32.. 92 7226.544 17101.550 
11.. 71° 643257.6 3844775.9 33... 93 4928.616 12172.934 
12.. 72 576539.7 3268236.2 34., 94 3458.499 8714.435 
13.. 73 511554.5 2756681.7 35.. 95 2456.974 6257 .461 
14,. 74  448946.7 2307735.0 36.. 96 1784.075 4473.386 
15.., 75, 388717.0 1919018.0 37... 97 1322.010 3151.376 
16.. 76; 334363.0 1584655.0 38.. 98 973.269 2178.107 
17.. 77 285092.4 1299562.6 39.. 99 723.611 1454.4956 
18.. 78] 241822.9 10567739.7 40..100 559.8216 894.6740 
19.. 79! 204791.5 852948.26. 41..101 411.2480 483.4260 
20.. 80 1715656.37 681391.83, 42..102 277.2269 206.1991 
21.. 81' 143167.96 533223871 43..103 156.8857 49.3134 
7 AQ

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