Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 5 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age One Year. 
Ages. D. N. I" Ages. D. N. 
0 & 180580952. © 717521479.3 52 & 53|1356407.3 111678036.0 
1.. 2[59698974.2/1657822505.1 53... 54[1251635.9 10426400, 1 
2.. 3}48879772.0| 608942733.1 54.. 5511152969.6 9273430.5 
ee 4]41878395.7 567064337.4 55.. 5611060165.5 8213265.0 
4.. 5137268739.8 529795597.6 1 56.. 57: 972744.8 7240520.2 
Hoe 6133360846. 1 495934751.5 | 57.. 58 889829.8 6350690 .4 
6.. 7131285289,.3 464649452.2 * 58.. 59 809662.7 | 5541027.7 
7.. 829170682.6 435478779.6° 59.. 60 731167.0 4809860.7 
8.. 9'27356073.2 408122706.4 * 60.. 61 654000.3 I 4155860.4 
9..10125750456.0 382372250.4 61.. 62 580436.0 3575404.4 
10..11 24290068.4 358082182.0 62.. 63 513092.9 3062311.5 
11..12:22918537.3, 335163644.7 ' 63.. 64 452388.1 2609923.4 
12..13 21613352.7  313550292.0 | 64.. 65 397886.5 2212036.9 
13..14 20375087.5 293175204.5 § 65.. 66 348918.5 + 1863118.4 
14,,15[19197632.9 273977571.6 f 66.. 67 305106.8 1558011.6 
15..16/18069888.2 255907683.4 67.. 68 265877.9 1292133.7 
16..17(16988153.5 238919529.9 ; 68.. 69 230737.1 1061396.6 
17..18/15959543.2 222959986.7 i 69.. 70 199252.0 862144.6 
18..19{14989376.6 207970610.1 | 70.. 71 171125.6 691019.0 
19..20(14076810.8 193893799.3 § 71.. 72 145464.0 545555 .0 
20..21|13218493.8 180675305.5 72.. 73] 121501.4 [| 424053.6 
21..22|12413332.7 168261972.8 73.,. 74° 99408.4 324615.2 
22..23|11657997 .2 156603975.6 74,. 75 79409.2 245236.0 
23..24110947543.8 145656431.8 75.. 76 62235.8 183000.2 
24..25(10279359. 1 135377072.7 76... 77 48090.1 134910.1 
25..26 9649325.4 125727747.3 77.. 78, 36670.3 98239.8 
26.27 9055402.0 116672345.3 | 78.. 79] 27780.0 70459.83 
27..28 8494149.7  108178195.6 j 79.. 80: 20786.18 49673.645 
28..29, 7957003.1 100221192.5 80.. 81 15327.990 34345.655 
29..30 7438349.0 92782843.5 | 81.. 82 11105.571 23240.084 
30..31' 6943652.5 85839191.0 | 82.. 83 7872.528 15367.556 
31..32; 6479383.0 79359808.0 f 83.. 84 5470.696 9896.860 
32..331 6045987.6  73313820.4 84.. 85 3721.562 6175.298 
33..34 6642463.5 67671356.9 85.. 86 2458.930 3716.368 
34..35 5265749.4 62405607.5 * 86.. 87 1557.718 2158.650 
35..36 4913162.3 57492445.2 87.. 88 937.824 1220.826 
36..37 4582337.3 52910107.9 88.. 89 546,159 674.667 
37..38 4271206.6 48638901.3 89.. 90), 318.368 356.299 
38..39 3978728.5 44660172.8 ! 90., 91 175.894 180.4053 
39..40 3702449.0 40957723.8 | 91.. 92! 88.4780 91.92730 
40..41 3438949.6 37518774.2 | 92.. 93 43.33614 48.59116 
41..42 3188066.7 34330707.5 ' 93.. 94 22.01200 26.57916 
42..43 2951391.7 31379315.8 94.. 95 11.64656 14.93260 
43..44 2730051.4 28649264.4 ' 95.. 96 6.37788 8.55472 
44, .45 2524220.9 26125043.5 1 96.. 97 3.64450 4,91022 
45..46 2333372.5 23791671.0.' 97.. 98] 2.11275 2.79747 
460.47 2156912.6 21634758.4 ! 98.. 99 1.22964 | 1.567830 
47..48 1994212.9 19640545.5 * 99..100 «752844 .3149858 
48..,49 1845435.6 17795109.9 '100..101, .4562693 «3387165 
49..50 1709352.2 16085757.7 101..102 «2414122 «1173043 
50..51 1584133.4 14501624.3 102..103 «0985356 .0187687 
51..52 1467181.,0 13034443.3 

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