Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 5 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Ten Years. 
Ages. | D. N. Ages, D. N. 
0&10| 39658796. 122357888.9 | 47 & 57 1115738.3 9340536.6 
1..11" 31813973.6 390543915.3 | 48.. 58 '025209.2 8315327.4 
§ 2..12! 27722485.0 362821430.3 | 49.. 59 939478.4 7375849.0 
8 3.13) 24564926.1 338256504.2 1 50.., 60 857546.3 16518302.7 
A 4,,14' 22390839.0 315865665.2 51.. 61 778768.4 5739534 .3 
is 5..15! 20597681.3 295267983.9 | 52.. 62 704921.8 5034612.5 
6.10] 19148344.9 276119639.0 | 53.. 63 636416.5 4398196.0 
1 7..17 17891692.2 258227946.8 | 54,, 64 573514.3 3824681.7 
Yo 8..18 16773046.2 241454900.6 ! 55., 65 515619.3 3309062 .4 
9..19 15758747.1 225696153.5 ' 56.., 66 462450.0 2846612.4 
10..20! 14827359.8 210868793.7 fb 57.. 67 413697.1 2432915.3 
11..21 13958642.6 196910151.1 | 58.. 68 368640.4 2064274.9 
12,.22, 13137974.2 183772176.9 ; 59.. 69 326674.4 11737600.,5 
13..23| 12362718,7 171409458.2 | 60.,. 70 287475.1 i1450125.4 
a 14,.241 11630503.2 159778955.0 | 61,. 71 250950.9 $1195174.5 
15..25 10937335.4 148841619.6 62., 72 216886.4 I 982288.1 
61 16..26]| 10276310.1 138565309.5 ' 63.. 73 185285.4 797002.7 
8 17..27] 0649682.3 128915627.2 | 64.. 74 156455,1 ' 640547.6 
0 18..28 9055734.3 119859892.9 | 63.. 759130177.6 510370.0 
A] 19.,29" B8489961.7 111369931,2 ! 66., 76 107528.7 402841,3 
i» 20..30] 7950078.2 103419853.0 | 67.. 77 87958.8 314882.5 
: 21,.31 7442089.0 95977764.0 . 68.. 78 71451.8 243430.7 
hd 22..32  6966641.8 89011122.2 | 69.. 79, 57827.1 185603. 58 
i 23..33) 6521748.2 82489374.0 § 70.., 80 46168.01 139435.57 
hs 24..34" 6105450.9 76383923.1 ' 71., 81 36623.12 102812.45 
IRA me 5714849.6 70669073.5 } 72.. 82" 28433.97 74378.48 
09.45 26..36] 5347485.1 65321588.4 73.. 83 21684.74 52693.74 
0.9 27..37] 5001974.7 60319613.7 74.. 84 16166.21 36527.53 
0 28..38 4675470.4 55644143.3 75.. 85 11783.77 24743.76 
i 29.,39' 4364804.6 51279338.7 76.. 86 8371.42 16372.34 
8 30..401 4067215.2 47212123.5 77.. 87 5768.22 10604.12 
9.893 31..41 3784538.6 43427584.9 ' 78.. 88 3843.16 6760.96 
6.404 32..42! 3518393.5 39909191.4 | 79.. 89. 2544.81 4216.154 
In 33.43] 3269233.9 36639957.5 | 80.. 90' 1676.271 2539.883 
B13 34..44' 3037315.4 33602642.1 ' 81.. 91 1036,784 1503.0992 
or 35..45 2820940.7 30781701.4 | 82.. 92 610.9194 892.1798 
4.0911 36. .46! 2619676.0 28162025.4 | 83.. 93 359.9788 532.2010 
+ 340 37.,47 2432026.8 25729998.6 | 84.. 94 215.6360 316.5650 
L305 38..48 2257616.0 23472382.6 § 85.. 95 129.5680 186.9970 
od 39..49' 2096473.5 21375909.1 * 86.., 96 78.0227 108.9743 
16,2980 40..50) 1945931.6 19429977.5 87.. 97 46.9030 62.0713 
13.82678 41..51| 1804622.3 17625355.2 88.. 98 27.2311 34.8402 
640539 42,.,52] 1670786.9 15954568.3 89.. 99, 15.8975 18.94267 
1 438905 43,.53| 1544515.1 14410053,2 90..100, 9.71854 9.22413 
5 44,.54;, 1426109.9 12983943.3 91..101 5.32314 3.900992 
Te 15.5) 1315493.0  11668450.3 92.102] 2.586559, 1.314433 
o 46.,561 1212175.4 10456274.9 93..103 1.064184 .250249 
2 Nn

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