Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &ec. on Two Joint Lives, 
de (Carlisle 5 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fiftv-Seven Years. 
Ages. D. N. b Ages. D. N. 
Tox 57| 2431862. 16278516.6 24 & 81 95232.97 350174.42 
1.. 58] 1918667.4 14359849.2  25.. 82, 78004.36 272170.06 
t 2.. 59] 1639345.7 12720503.5 26.. 83 63371.14 208798.92 
3 3.. 60' 1418647.5 11301856.0 27.. 84 50869.57 157929.35 
i 4. 61 1256298.1  10045557.9 28.. 85 40437.69 117491.66 
30) 5.. 62' 1120522.4 8925035.5 | 29.. 86 31485,36 86006.30 
- 6.. o 1008956.8 7916078.7 | 30.. 87 23947.26 62059.04 
84 7.. 64] 912805.2 7003273.5 , 3l.. 88 17695.09 44363.95 
0 8.. 65 827421.4 6175852.1 | 32.. 89, 13013.65 31350.30 
ln 9.. 66 750671.8 5425180.3 © 33.. 901 9624.93 21725.37 
dol 10.. 67; 681061.1 ~~ 4744119.2 | 34.. 91| 6710.00 15015.370 
fg 11.. 68 617055.3 4127063.9 | 35.. 92° 4518.275 10497.095 
5.28 12.. 69] 557673.2 3569390.7 | 36.. 93 3066.466 7430.629 
4.808 13.. 70] 502509.6 3066881.1 | 37,. 94 2140.463 5290.166 
(8 i4.. 71" 451512.2 2615368.9 | 38.. 95 1512.305 3777.861 
L245 15.. 72! 402469.6 2212899.3 | 39.. 96 1091.894 2685.967 
at 16.. 73] 354979.2 1857920.1 § 40.. 97 804.168 1881.799 
17.. 74" 309575.2 1548344.9 | 41.. 98 587.931 1293.868 
18.. 75 266394.1 1281950.8 | 42.. 99, 433.888 859.9801 
19.. 76° 227876.2 1054074.6 | 43,.100 333.2363 526.7438 
20.. 77, 193312.8 860761.8 44,.101 243.2421 283.5017 
21.. 78, 163168.2 697593.6 ' 45.,102 163.0221 120.4796 
22,. 79, 137525.7 560067.891 46,,103 91.7761 28.7035 
23.. 80 114660.50 445407 ,39! 
Difference of Age Fifty-Eight Years. 
83 - 
a Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N 
8. ee | —r— Sp— d—— ee —— = TE ETT 
ol 0 & 58| 2267660. ~~ 14758379.9 23 & 81 95908.49 353054.22 
1.6% 1.. 59] 1783070.4 12975309.5 | 24.. 82 78561,64 274492.58 
g 2.. 60] 1517137.5 11458172.0 b 25.. 83 63838.05 210654.53 
4.73 3.,. 61 1305846.4 10152325.6 | 26.. 84 51247.17 159407 .36 
dl 4.,, 62' 1153658.3 8998667.3 1 27.. 85 40754.27 118653.09 
wm p 
0 5.. 63] 1027243.6 7971423.7 | 28,. 86 31761.64 86891.45 
It 6.. 64] 924156.5 7047267.2 § 29.. 87 24184.94 62706.51 
7.. 65] 834763.9 6212503.3 | 30.. 88 17875.68 44830.83 
i0 8.. 66] 755643.2 5456860.1 31.. 89 13147.84 31682:99 
134 9., 67! 684540.2 4772319.9 i 32.. 90 9723.42 21959:57 
" 10.. 68| 619837.8  4152482.1 1 33.. 91, 6778.12 15181.446 
- 11. 69] 560374.4  3592107.7 {| 34.. 92| 4564.621 10616825 
560 12,. 70] 505034.7 3087073.0 1 35.. 93  3098.246 7518:579 
r 450 13.. 71  453864.1 2633208.9 ! 36.. 94 2163.290 5355.289 
3.55 14,. 72 404705.5 9998503.4 © 37.5 95 1528.903 3826386 
313 15.. 73| 857190.3 1871313.1 ! 38.. 96, 1104.224 2722.162 
LBL 16.. 74 311665.9 1559647.2  39.. 97' 813.834 1908328 
a0 17.. 75 268248.8 1291398.4 40., 98 595.680 1312.648 
ils 18.. 76 229473.8 1061924.6 41,. 99 439.949 872.6986 
i. JK 19.. 77 194677.8 867246.8 42..100 338.0956 534.6030 
(ng 20.. 78, 164328.5 702918.3 ' 43..101 246.8416 987.7614 
oe 21.. 79 138487.5 564430.82 44..102 165.4707 122.2907 
22,. 80. 115468.11 448962.711 45 103 93.1555 29.1352

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