Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 5 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Nine Years, 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 59 2107399. 13340882.0 23 & 82! 79118.90 276734.47 
1.. 60 1650148.0 11690734.0  24,. 83' 64294.12 212440.35 
2.. 61 1396505.2 10294228.8 25... '84951624.75 160815.60 
3.. 62. 1199158.4 9095070.4 26.. 85 41056.78 119758.82 
4.. 63! 1057621.2 £037449.2 27... 86 32010.31 87748.51 
5.. 64 940906.5 7096542.7 28.. 87 24397.16 63351.35 
6.. 65 845144.9 6251397.8 29.. 88 18053.10 45298.25 
7.. 66' 762348.6 5489049.2 | 30,, 89 13282.01 32016.24 
8.. 67 689073.5 4799975.7 | 31.. 90 9823.58 22192.66 
9.. 68 623004.2 4176971.5 32.. 91 6847.49 15345,168 
10. 69, 562901 .4 3614070.1 33.. 92! 4610,967 10734.201 
11., 70, 507480.9 3106589,2 34... 93, 3130.025 7604.176 
12..°71° 456144.,8 2650444.4  35.. 91 2185.709 5418.467 
13.. 72! 406813.6 2243630.8 © 36,. 95 1545.208 3873.259 
id... 73] 359174.8 1884456.0 37.. 96 1116.342 2756,917 
15.. 74] 313607.3 1570848.7 38.. 97 823.025 1933.892 
16.. 75] 270060.4 1300788.3 39... 98 602.840 1331.052 
17. 76[09231071.5 1069716.8 40.. 99 445.746 885.3062 
18.. 77] 196042.6 873674.2 | 41..100 342.8181 542.4881 
19.. 78! 165488.8 708185 .4 42..101t 250.4411 292.0470 
20.. 79] 139472.3 568713.10 43..102, 167.9192 124.1278 
21... SOI16275.71 452437.39 . 44.,103 94,5547 29.5731 
SL 96584.02 355853.37 
Difference of Age Sixty Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 60] 1950299. 12031018.8 : 22 & 82 79676.17 284914.48 
l.. 61 1518939.4 110512079.4 23.. 831 64750.18 220164.30 
2.. 62 1282410.4 | 9229669.0 24.. 84 51993.56 168170.74 
3... 63] 1099333.6 8130335.4 25. 85 41359.29 126811.45 
4.. 641 968730.8 7161604.6 26.. 86 32247.91 94563.54 
5.. 65, 860462.5 6301142.1 27... 87 24588.16 69975.38 
6. 66| 771828.9 5529313.2 28.. 88 18211.51 51763.87 
7.. 67. 695188.3 4834124.9 29... 89 13413.85 38350.02 
8.. 68 627130.1 4206994.8 30.. 90 9923.95 28426.07 
9.. 69 565776.8 3641218.0 3l.. 91 6918.09 21507.980 
195. 70, 509769 .4 3131448.6 | 32.. 92 4658.156 16849.824 
11.. 711 458354.3 2673094.3 33... 93. 3161.805 13688.019 
12.. 72 408858.0 2264236 .3 34.. 94 2208.129 11479.890 
13..273 0 361045.6 1903190.7 35.. 95 1561.222 3918.668 
14...:74 0 315349.6 1587841.1 36.. 96. 1128,248 2790.420 
15. 75, 271742.7 1316098.4 37.. 97 832.056 1958.364 
162..76 232632.0 1083466.4 38.. 98 609.647 1348.717 
17...77 197407.6 886058.8 39.. 99 451.104 897.6133 
18.. 78 166649.0 719409.8 40..100 347.3350 550.2783 
19.. 79 140457.1 578952.74  41..101 253.9392 296.3391 
20...:30117102.55 461850.19 42..102 170.3680 125.9711 
21..:81 97259.54 364590.65 * 43,.103 95.9339 30.0172 
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