Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

‘Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 6 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age One Year. 
Ages. | D. N. Ages. D. N. 
— enol Femi— ——— i i—p—— i —— I 
0& 1| 79820756. 624945203.5 52 & 53|820752.2 '6585473.1 
1.. 2| 58577891.5 566367312.0 | 53.. 54|750211.2 15835261.9 
2.. 3 47509392.0 518857920.0 | 54.. 55/684552.4 |5160709.5 
3.. 4 40320301.5 478537618.5 ' 55.. 56|623513.5 4527196.0 
4.. 5 35543638.1 442993980.4 ' 56.. 57/566701.9 13960494. 1 
5.. 6, 31988833.6 411005146.8 57.. 58/513506.6 13446987.5 
6.. 7| 29276840.8 381728306.0 58.. 59/462835.5 12984152.0 
7.. 8 27040459.1 354687846.9 59.. 60/414021.3 12570130.7 
8a 3 25119133.5 329568713.4 60,. 61/366832.1 12203298.6 
9..10] 23421746.2 306146967.2 ( 61.. 621322509.2 11880789.4 
10..11] 21884998.1 284261969.1 | 62.., 63|282391.8 "1598397 .6 
11..12f 20454463.7 263807505.4 ' 63.. 64|246632.8 1351764.8 
12,.13] 19107628.0 244699877.4 64,. 65/214873.3 1136891.5 
13..14' 17842986.9 226856890.5 ' 65.. 66/186651.1 950240.4 
14,.15! 16653257.1 210203633.4 66.. 67/161674.6 | 788565.8 
15..16 15527102.0 194676531.4 ' 67.. 68/139558.3 | 649007 .5 
16..17 14459875.5 180216655.9 68.. 69/119970.5 529037.0 
17..18 13456194.7 166760461.2 69.. 70{102622.5 | 426414.5 
18.,19, 12518976.0 154241485.2 70.. 71| 87304.9 339109.6 
19. .20| 11645897.3 142595587.9 » 71.. 72! 73512.8 265596 .8 
20..21 10832634.3 131762953.6 : 72.. 731 60823.5 204773.3 
21..22; 10076830.4 121686123.2 73.. 74 49294.4 155478.9 
22,,23| 9374387.8 112311735.4 74.. 75 39005.8 116473. 1 
93..24 8720052.7 103591882.7 75.. 76 30281.8 86191.3 
24.,25 8110579.5 95481103.2 } 76.. 77 23178.3 63013.0 
25..26) 7541647.8 87939455.4 + 77.. 78 17507.4 45505.6 
26..27) 7010684.9 80928770.5 78.. 79; 13137.8 32367 .82 
27..28, 6514124.4 74414646.1 79.. 80| 9737.53 22630.293 
28..291 6044621.4 68370024.7 80.. 81 7112.847 15517.446 
29..30| 5597312.6 62772712.1 8l.. 82 5104.842 10412.604 
30..31 5175763.5 57596948.6 82.. 83 3584.587 6828.017 
31..32] 4784136,2 52812812.4 83.. 84 2467.464 4360.553 
32..33 4422018.5 48390793.9 84.. 85 1662.712 2697.841 
33..34, 4087949.2 44302844.7 85.. 86; 1088.233 1609.608 
34..35° 3779030.1 40523814.6 86.. 87 682.884 926.724 
35..36: 3492727.8 37031086.8 87.. &8 407.253 519.471 
36..371 3226815.1 33804271.7 88.. 89] 234.933 284.533 
37..38 2979346.9 30824924.8 89.. 90 135.655 148.883 
38.439 2749148.7 28075776.1 90.. 91 74.241 74.6422 
39..40: 25634115.9 25541660.2 91.. 92 36.9922 37.64997 
40..41 2331560.1 23210100.1 92.. W 17.94774 19.70223 
41..42 2141073.8 21069026.3 93.. 94 9.03031 10.67192 
42..43 1963425.8 19105600.5 94.. 4 4.73286 5.93906 
43..44 1799044.4 17306556.1 95.. 96 2.56736 3.37170 
44..45' 1647714.0 15658842.1 96.. 971 1.45322 1.91848 
45..,46! 1508766.6 14150075.5 ' 97.. 98 483450 1.08398 
46..47! 1381509.9 12768565.6 * 98.. 99' £48111 .602869 
47..48 1265250.0 11503315.6 ' 99..100 «291776 «3110926 
48,.49 1159810.8 10343504.8 } 00..101 «1751652 .1359274 
49..50 1064151.0 9279353.8 151.100 .0918057 0441217 
50..51 - 976892.8 8302461.0 §102..103 0371183 .0070034 
81..62 896235.7 7406225.3 

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