Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Seven Y ears. 
Ages, D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 7] 56124658. 535957178.7 46 & 53|1728460.6 15126155.1 
1.. 8i 39707087.1 496250091.6 | 47.. 54'1585440.3 13540714.8 
2.. 9' 32011698.2 464238393.4 © 48.. 55 1451801.3 12088913.5 
3..10 28634351.7 435604041.7 | 49.. 56'1327046.7 10761:66.8 
4..11 26184778.1 409419263.6 * 50.. 57 1210276.3 9551590.5 
Body) 94426028 .0 384993235.6 | 51.. 58/1100722.3 8450868. 2 - 
6..13| 22809823.9 362183411.7 | 52.. 59] 998475.0 7452393.2 j 
7..14 21438413.8 340744997.9 53.. 60 903532.6 6548860.6 Bus 
8..15] 20240953.2 320504044.7 } 54.. 61 815490.1 5733370.5 
9..16! 192023562.3 301301682.4 ' 55.. 62 733960.8 4999409 .7 , 
10..17, 18266051.5 283035630.9 | 56.. 63 658945.9 4340463.8 . 
11..18' 17379964.2 265655666.7 57.. 64 589681.5 3750782.3 10. 
12..19, 16523482.4 249132184.3 58.. 65 526160.0 3224622.3 IL, 
13.90] 15693405.7 233438778.6 | 59.. 66 467703.6 2756918.7 B. 
14..2]1 14886556.1 218552222.5 | 60.. 67 414016.5 2342902.2 13. 
15..22| 14108662.3 204443560.2 § 61.. 68 364818.3 1978083.9 fit 
16..23| 13367252.4 191076307.8 | 62.. 69 319841.7 1658242.2 Boa 
17..24, 12653618.4 178422689.4 | 63.. 70 278987.9 1379254.3 Kd 
18..25 11962643.4 166460046.0 | 64.. 71 241831.7 1137422 .6 I. 
19..96 11294357.9 155165688.1 } 65.. 72 208273.8 929148.85 PB 
20,..27 10650806.5 144514881.6 | 66.. 73 177945.08 751203.77 Ee 
21..98 10029644.1 134483237.5 67.. 74 150642.68 600561.09 
292..29, 9434534.6 125050702.9 68. 75 126174.25 474386 .84 
23..30: 8870218.4 116180484.5 i 69., 76 104357.24 370029.60 
24,.31 8335272.1 107845212.4 + 70.. 77 85398.10 284631.50 
25..32 7828330.7 100016881.7 § 71.. 78 69142.56 215488.94 
26..33 7348090.7 92668791.0 } 72.. 79 55410.90 160078.049 
27..34, 6893302.1 85775488.9 73.. 80 43722.657 116355.392 
28..35 6462771.3 79312717.6 . 74.. 81 33783.572 82571.820 
29..36 6055354.0 73257363.6 | 75.. 82 25500.401 57071.419 
30..37 5669954.1 67587409.5 | 76.. 83 18690.722 38380.697 
31..38] 53056528.1 62281881.4 | 77.. 84 13188.420 25192.277 
32..39] 4961072.5 57320808.9 | 78.. 85 9077.058 16115.219 
33..40' 4635629.8 52685179.1 79.. 86 6094.072 10021.147 
34..41 4327068.9 48358110.2 80.. 87 3977.931 6043.2163 
35..42]  4034685.6 44323424.6 81.. 88 2499,9328 3543.2835 
36..43, 3757799.8 40565624.8 | 82.. 89 1545.0934 1998.1901 
37..44 3496806.4 37068818.4 | 83.. 90 929.6198 1068.5703 
38..45 3250923.3 33817895.1 | 84.. 91 540.1413 528.4290 
39..46 3019401.3 30798493.8 © 85.. 92 294,2384 234.1906 
40..471 2801523.5 27996970.3 * 86.. 93 148.4656 85.725079 
41..48 2595879.0 25401091.3 | 87.. 94 62.06780 23.657279 
42..49 2401932.3 22999159.0 &8.. 99 20.026348 3.630931 
43..50 2218393.3 20780765.7 
44,.51 2044764.2 18736001.5 
45..52 1881385.8 16854615.7 

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