Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

| Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Ten Years. 
' Ages. D. N. Ages. Ds N. 
0& 10] 49194838.  468977864.9 | 45 & 55|1564515.7 13387608.7 
_ 111 35137811.1 433840053.8 + 46.. 56|1432812.7 11954796. 0 
x 2..12| 28167736.7 405372317.1 47.. 57|1309826.4 10644969.6 
Hs 3.13) 25502624.2 379869692.9 | 48.. 58/1195092.5 9449877. 1 
- 4,.14! 23323546.9 356546146.0 + 49.. 5911088167.3 8361709.8 
a 5.13] SI761627.9, 34704318. 1} 50. G0 98626. 7373427.8 
6..16] 20307293.3 314487224.8 ! 51.. 61 894782.8 6478645.0 
\ 7..17| 19070723.4 295416501.4 52.. 62| 807716.7 5670928.3 
i 8..18| 17973411.4 277443090.0 | 53.. 63 727458.5 4943469.8 
oo 9..19° 17003799.0 260439291.0 54,. 64 653193.7 42902761 
Hl 10..20 16125308.2 244313982.8 55.. 65 584940.7 3705335.4 
Bi 11..21 15294556,1 229019426.7 56.. 66 521974.8 3183360.6 
130.7 12,,22 14498907.4 214520519.3 57.. 67 463991.1 2719369.5 
i. 13..23 13740430.9 200780088.4 58.. 68 410700.3 2308669.2 
Ls 14..24! 13017528.8 187762559.6 59.. 69 361827.4 1946841,8 
3.3 15..25 12328661.2 175433898.4 ' 60.. 70 317109.4 1629732.4 
48.9 16..26 11672357.2 163761541.2 61.. 71 276298.2 1353434.23 
9.3 17..27| 11040976.4 152720564.8 62.. 72 239157.5 1114276.73 
Bi. 18..28 10430037.0 142290327.8 63., 73 205577.01 908699. 72 
81.55 19..29 Y839547.8 132430980.0 64.. 74 175204.00 733495.72 
066.55 20..30, 9271275.1 123179704.9 | 65.. 75 147928.42 585567.30 
350.63 21..31' 8723159.6 114456545.3 66.. 76 123446,98 462120.32 
2105.90 23..32| 8198367.4 106258177.9 67.. 77 102034,09 360086.23 
AE 23..33, 7700987.4 98557190.5 68.. 78 83547.25 276538.98 
Wil. 24..34 7229743.1 91327447.4 69.. 79 67816.33 208722.65 
000.35 25.33 6783416.0 84544031.4 70.. 80 54300.72 154421.932 
1505.5 26..36] 6360837.1 78183194.3 71.. 81 42673.99 111747.942 
i550 27..37| 5960886.7 72222307.6 1 72.. 82 32856.29 78891.652 
Ll. T3S 28..38| 5782498.8  66639808.8 | 73.. 83 24655.832 54235. 820 
G3. 37 29..39 5224647.8 61415161.0 74.. 84 17819.021 36416.799 
71.308 30..40| 4896355.0 56528806.0 75.. 85 12545.037 23871.762 
ry 31..41| 4565402.0 51963404.0 76.. 86  8581.914 15289.848 
5.383 32..42| 1261070.7 47702333.3 77.. 87  5725.168 9564.6805 
0.51 33..431 3972667.7 43729665.6 78.. 88  3706.7969 5857.8836 
87 34..44' 3700635.7 40029029.9 79.. 89  2384.6239 3473.2597 
345.900 5st 3444175.0  36584854.9 | 80.. 90!  1508.6219 1964.6378 
10.018 36..46) 3202518.6 33352336.3 | 81.. 91 937.1681 1027.4697 
5b 37..47| 2974932.9 30407403.4 §2.. 92, 547.3467 480.1230 
sp 38..48) 2760719.9 27646683.5 83.. 93] 295.9074 184.21566 
il 39..49' 2559209.9 25087473.6 84.. 94]  130.84564 53.37002 
(568 40..50| 2368936.3 22718537.3 85.. 95 44.87833 8.49170 
ye 41..51| 2185008.4 20530528.9 
hats 42..52) 2016929.0 18513599.9 
43..53| 1856050.4 16657549.5 
44..54] 1705425.1 14952124.4 

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