Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirteen Years. 
Ages. |! D. N. y Ages. D. N. 
D————— *  p———_ —— re rman tetas peepee sean | wae vpn 1 ecscaessaale sre— ev— st’ ot mina = 
0&13 43814418. 409110276.4 | 42 & polia7ron,s 114877223.2 104 
1..14 31298275.1 377812001.3 | 43.. 5611538578.8 13138644.4 : . 
2..15 25350793.1 352461208.2 | 44.. 5711408953.1 '11729691.3 19.3 
3..16 22704658.8 329756549.4 | 45.. 58 1287876.8 110441814.5 12 
4,,17 20747659.6 309008889.8 | 46.. 59 1174894.5 ' 9266920.0 4,5 
5..18 19314849.1 289694040.7 | 47.. 60:11069572.2 8197347.8 : 
6..,19 17982221.,6 271711819.1 | 48.. 61 971496.9 7225850.9 I 
7..20 16835674.2 254876144.9 | 49.. 62 880273.2 6345577 .7 3 
8..21 15816795.9 239059349.0 | 50.. 63; 795692.4 5549885.3 le 
9..22 14920372,1 224138976.9 | 51.. 64 716705.6 4833179.7 i 
10..23' 14118585.0 210020391.9 | 52.. 65 643721.5 4189458.2 =e 
11..24 13374303.8 196646088.1 53.. 66 576246.0 13613212.2 pie 
12..25 12669671.5 183976416.6 54.. 67 513965.7 3099246.5 a 
13..26 11998218.8 171978197.8 ; 55.. 68 456582.4 2642664.1 ml 
14,.27 11358508.2 160619689.6 | 56.. 69 403813.0 2238851.1 os 
15 .28 10749162.0 149870527.6 | 67.. 70 355386.7 1883464 .4 _ 
16..29 10168857.5 139701670.1 { 58.. 71 311047.5 1572416.9 ot 
17..30, 9610908.7 130090761.4 , 59.. 72 270551.9 1301865.05 a 
18..31' 9071396.4 121019365.0 | 60.. 73 233667.56 1068197.49 a 
19..32] 8550313.2 112469051.8 1 61.. 74 200174.65 868022 .84 gy 
20..33] 8049178.6 104419873.2 62.. 75 169863.90 698158.94 
21..34| 7566184.1 96853689.1 63.. 76 142616.26 555542 .68 eet 
22..35, 7104060.7 89749628.4 , 64.. 77 118670.09 436872.59 gt 
23. .36] 6666320.2 83083308.2 | 65.. 78 97951.96 338920.63 Sa 
24,.371 6251819.4 76831488.8 | 66.. 79! 80221.76 258698.87 deat 
25..38 5859469.6 70972019.2 | 67.. 80 64878.77 193820.10 - 
26..39, 5488223.0 65483796.2 | 68.. 81 51564.40 142255.70 J 
97. .40l 5137080.2 60346716.0 | 69.. 82 40212.18 102043.52 
28..41 4803735.0 55542981.0 ! 70.. 83 30620.95 71422.57 
29..42 4487455.8 51055525.2 71.. 84 22508.24 48914.33 
30..43 4187535.5 46867989.7 ! 72.. 8 16163.80 32750.538 
31..,44 3904465,2 42963524.5 73.. 86 11320.823 21429.715 
32..45 3637426.7 39326097.8 74.. 87 7735.337 13694.3786 
33..46 3385635.9 35940461.9 75... 88 5123.0150 8571.3636 3 
34..47 3148342.1 32792119.8 | 76.. 89 3358.1222 5213.2414 
35..48 2924831.4 29867288.4 77.. 90, 271.2577 3041.9837 
36..49) 2714418.1 27152870.3 78.. 91 1389.5942 1652 .3895 
37.5500 2515369.3  24637301.0° 79.. 92 844.7490 807.6405 
38..51 2326949.1 22310351.9 80.. 93] 480.2096 327 .43092 
39..52, 2148996.7 20161355.2 8l.., 94 097 02277 100.40815 
40.53] 1982004.5 18179350.7 82... 935i 83.48333 16.92482 
41..54° 1824897.2 16354453.5 
Difference of Age Fourteen Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D N 
0& 14] 42153168. 390530796.2 5& 19 18527766.3 275758795.5 
1..15 30109070.5 360421725.7 6.. 20 17233479.1 ' 258525316.4 
2..16] 24385493.3 336036232.4 7... 21816115995.9 242409320.5 
3..17] 21825920.0 314210312.4 S.. 220815128502.9 227280817.6 
4,.18] 19923750.6 294286561.8 9.. 23 14267836.5 213012961.1

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