Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c, on Two Joint Lives, 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fourteen Years—continued. 
Aa Ages. D. N. j Ages. Be N. 
“44 10& 24] 13497985.7 199514975.4 | 46 & 60 1096553.7 8470232.4 
3 11..25| 12783341.6 186731633.8 | 47.. 61 996638.4 7473594.0 
43 12..26{ 12106839.2 174624794.6 | 48.. 62 903659.3 6569934.7 
Li 13..27| 11462276.8 163162517.8 } 49.. 63 817694.5 5752240.2 
8 14,.28! 10848269,1 152314248.7 ! 50.. 64 737618.2 5014622.0 
! 15..29 10263486.8 142050761.9 !' 51.. 65 ©63315.1 4351306.9 
16..30) 9706656.5 132344105.4 52... 66 594336.4 3756970.5 
a 17..31; 9171385.3 123172720.1 _ 83.. 67 530623.9 3226346.6 
? 13. 52] 8653923.6 114518796.,5 54.. 68 471876.4 2754470,2 
N 19..33! 8154263.3 106364533.2 55., 69 417808.2 2336662.0 
20..34' 7673845.2 98690688.0 | 56., 70 368145.7 1968516.3 
21..35| 7210942.2 91479745.8 | 57.. 71 3822630.5 1645885.8 
22..361 6763147.9 84711597.9 | 58.. 72 281016.6 1364869. 25 
ie 23..37| 6348796 .9 78362801.0 | 59.. 73 243069.30 1121799.95 
» 24..38° 5951793.1 72411007.9 1 60., 74 208566,42 913233.53 
i 25..39, 5576081.5 66834926.4 | 61.. 75 177296.57 735936.96 
b 26.,40 5220655,3 61614271.1 | 62., 76 149059.04 586877.92 
1 27..41| 4883179.4 56731091.7 | 63.. 77 124284.73 462593.19 
1.84 28..42| 4562917.5 52168174.2 | 64.. 78 102753.53 359839.66 
i 29,.431 4259158.2 47909016.0  65.,, 79 84356.91 275482,75 
9 68 30..44] 3972408.2 43936607.8 * 66.. 80 8404.80 207077.95 
2.50 31..45| 3701844.0 40234763.8 67.281 54527.87 152550,08 
9.63 32..46| 3446675.1 36788088.7 68.. 82 42664.14 109885.94 
oo) 33..471 3206145.3 33581943.4 69.. 83 32609.33 77276.61 
ad 34..48 2979535.2 30602408.2 70.. 84 24071.31 53205.30 
a 35..49, 2766154.1 27836254.1 | 71.. 85 17370.06 35835.24 
a5 36..50 2564446.9 25271807.2 72.. 86 12233.79 23601.456 
9 5 37..51 2373057.7 22898749.5 73.. 87 8413.876 15187.5800 
na 2 2192440.0 20706309.5 74.. 88 5615.6126 9571.9674 
39..53! 2022898.7 18683410.8 : 75.. 89 3715.3692 5856,5982 
Be 40..54  1863866.7 16819544,1 1 76.. 90  2418.9418 3437.6564 
"ye 41..55, 1714320.1 15105224.0 77.. 9] 1558.0998 1879.5566 
op 42..56| 1573834.1 13531389.9 78.. 92 952.3200 927.2366 
Lill 43..57| 1441995.3 12089394.6 * 79.. 93! 546,7631 350.47359 
Sr 44..58 1318804.9 10770589.7 80.. 94 262.25044 118.22315 
9837 45..59 1203803.6 9566786.1 * 81.. 95 97.96021 20.26294 
38% — - 
6405 : . 
3 ol Difference of Age Fifteen Years. 
[0815 - 
La Ages. D. N. I ses, D. N. 
0&15| 40551522. 372596514.3 } 10 & 25 12901558.5 189444253 .4 
1..16| 28962586.5 343633927.8 | 11.. 26° 12215459.7 177228793.7 
2..17 23441701.0 320192226.8 12.. 27 11566045.4 165662748.3 
3..18 20959192.2 299233034.6 | 13.. 28 10947376.4 154715371.9 
4..19' 19111855.0 280121179.6 ! 14.. 29 10358116.0 144357255.9 
ee 5.,20' 17756308.5 262364871.1 ‘ 15.. 30, 9796984.6 134560271.3 
1%. 6..21 16496795.7 245868075.4 = 16.. 31 9262754.3 125297517.0 
oi 7..22 15414682.7 230453392.7 17.. 32 8749310.8 116548206 .2 
8.23] 14466885.0 215986507.7 I 18.. 33 8253074.3 108295131.9 
9..24' 13640695.8 202345811.9 ' 19.., 34' 7774029.8 100521102.1 

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