Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

. Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &e. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Eighteen Years— continued. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
3 50 & 68 532865.9  3203234.7 | 64& 2! 52471.98 141576.87 
pt 5l.. 69 473789.0  2729445.7 | 65.. 83| 40662.82 100914. 05 
» 52.. 70 419182.0 ~~ 2310263.7 ' 66., 84! 30323.60 70590.45 
3 53.. 71' 368962.8 1941300.9 + 67.. 85 22195.07 48395.38 
be 54.. 72 322875.5 1618425.48 | 68., 86 15883.67 32509.71 
it 55.. 73 280676.24  1337749.24 | 69.. 87, 11123.03 21381.686 
3 56.. 74 242133.54  1095615.70 ' 70.. 85  7556.003 13795.683 
+H 57.. 75 207027.28  888588.42 i 71.. 89] 5144.357 8651.326 
hil 58.. 76 175148.36 713440.06  72., 90! 3448.278 5203.0480 
jo 59.. 77 146951.27  566488.79 73., 91 2289.5296 2913.2184 
B18 60.. 78 122319.90  444168.89 | 74.. 92 1442.7174 1470.5010 
aos] 61.. 79, 101104.22 343064.67 | 75., 93, 851.8836 ®618.61544 
6.218 62.. 80 82597.03  260467.64 | 76.. 94  420.49539 198.12005 
3.2663 63., 81 66418.79 194048.85 * 77.. 951  162.86488 35.23517 
0, 1003 
3.3371 - — 
lt Difference of Age Nineteen Years. 
hodedll — — 
Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N. 
0 & 19, 34541283.  306962342.3 30 & 49) 3024834.4  31221223.4 
1.. 20 24578663.6 282383678.7 - 31.. 50| 2808835.2 28412388.2 
2.. 21) 19809754.9 262573923.8 32., 51 2603600.9  95808787.3 
3.. 22) 17641681.4 244932242.4 33.. 52 2409656.6  23399130.7 
4.. 23 16036722.3 228895520.1 34.. 53 2227369.5 21171761 9 
4 5.. 24 14863244.5 214032275.6 | 35.. 54' 2056150.0  19115611.2 
rg 6.. 25 13788185.5 200244090.1 | 36.. 55 1895434.0  17220177.2 
ry 7.. 26 12871527.4 187372562.7 ! 37.. 56 1744686.8 154754904 
poy 8.. 27 12068285.3 175304277.4 38.. 57  1603393.7 13872096.7 
oh 9.. 28 11367590.7 163936686.7 ' 39,. 5S 1471066.2  12401030.5 
- 10.. 29, 10740418.1 153196268.6 40.. 59 1347237.1 11053793.4 
i. 11.. 30 10158297.0 143037971.6 | 41.. 60 1231115.0 9822678.4 
ih. 12., 31 9607543.2 133430428.4 42., 61 1122346.3 8700332.1 
2d 13,. 32 9083166.1 124347262.3 1 43.. 62 1020539.3 7679742.8 
0.6 14., 33] 8584013.0 115763249.3 t 44., G3 926311,9 6753430.9 
15.. 34| 8108975.6 107654273.7 | 45.. 64' 838566.4 5914864.5 
Lg 16.. 35| 7656994.5 99997279.2 | 46., 65 757460.0 5157404.5 
8.6 17.. 36, 7222978.3 92774300.9 47., 66 682141.2 4475263.3 
LI 18.. 37, 6803944.9 85970356.0 48.. 67, 612289.6 3862973.7 
24 19.. 381 6399870.2 79570485.8 - 49., 68 547600.5 33153732 
- 20, 39] 6011859.4  73558626.4 | 50.. 69, 487613.6 2827759.6 
1m 2l., 40} 5638530.5 67920095.9 51.. 70, 431941.1 2395818.5 
I. 22.. 41; 5280401.1 62639694.8 52.. 71 380515.7 2015272.8 
v4 23.. 42 4940296.0 57699468.8 53.. 72 333340.3  1681932.52 
Bib. 24.. 43] 4617271.2 53082197.6 54.. 73 290077.99  1391854.53 
25.4 44, 4312124,0 48770073.6 55.. 74 250525.32  1141329.21 
sd 26,. 45 4023930.1 44746143.5 56.. 75 214459.96 926869.25 
" 27.. 46) 3751870.6 40994272.9 57.. 76 181670.68 745198.57 
fmt 28.. 47] 3495160.7 37499112.2 58.. 77 152635.24 592563,33 
29.. 48' 3253054.4 34246057.8 59.. 78 127241,51 465321, 82 

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