Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Nineteen Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. "Ages. D. N. 
60 & 79, 105342.75 35997907 69 & 88 8078.601 14870.980 
61.. 80} 86211.20 273767 .87 70.. 59 6501.604 9369.376 
62.. 81 694i9.30 204348.57 71.. 90 38705.613 5663.763 
63.. 82, 54954.59 149393.98 72.. 91' 2474.492 3189.2719 
64.. 83 42551.20 106842.78 73..:92) 1569.2715 1620.0004 
65.. 84 31886.67 74956,.11 74... 93 933.7977 686.20278 
66.. 85 23401.33 51554.78 75.. 94 465.2289 220.97384 
67.. 86] 16798 .64 34756.14 76.. 95 181.44354 39.53030 
68.. 87 11806.56 22949,581 
Difference of Age Twenty Years. 
Ages. D. N. | Ages. D. N. 
0& 20 33103055. 292058514.1 « 38 & 58|1500804.7  112723227.4 I, 
1.. 21 23527994.0 268530520.1 - 39.. £9/1575074.% 111348193.1 . 
2.. 922 18947701.8 249582818.3 ' 40.. 6011257404.7 10090788.4 po 
3.. 23 16870154.3 232712664.0 | 41.. 61 1147165.7 8943622.7 Ie, 
4,. 24 15331809.0 217380855.0 | 420. 62 1043975.2 7899647.5 
5.. 25 14206491.6 203174363.4 | 43.. 63 948035.4  ' 6951612.1 N... 
6.. 26, 13175664.7 189998698.7 44.. 64! 838704.3 I 6092907.8 
7 es 27| 12296576.2 177702122.5 | 45.. 65 776097.8 5316810.0 a 
8.. 28, 11526162.1 166175960.4 | 46.. 66 699349.2 4617460.8 - 
9.. 29 10853973,2 155321987.2 | 47.. 67 628135.1 3989325.7 % 
10.. 30 10252238.2 145069749.0 i 48., 68 562148.3 3427177 .4 ” 
11.. 31, 9693740.5 135376008.5 | 49.. 69 501096.8 2926080.6 
12.. 321 9165396.5 126210612.0 | 50.. 70 444544.5 2481536. 1 
13.. 33] 8662434.5 117548177.5 1 5l.. 71 392128.9 2089407 .2 
14.. 34' 8183740.2 109364437.3 52.. 72 343804.9 1745602.39 
15.. 35; 7728248.9 101636188.4 | 53.. 73 299479.72 1446122.67 
16... 36 7294936.5 94341251.9 54.. 74 258917.11 1187205.56 
17.. 37. 6878940.9 87462311.0 55... 75 221892.65 965312.91 
18.. 38 6477422.1 80984888.9 56.. 76 188193.00 777119.9 
19.. 39 6090346,2 74894542.7 57.. 77 1568319.20 618800.71 
20,. 40' 5718762.6 69175780.1 ' 58.., 78 132163.12 486637 .59 - 
21.. 41 5359845.5 63815934.6 59.. 79 109581.27 377056.32 
22,. 42 5015687.7 58800246.9 | 60.. 80 89825.38 287230.94 
93.. 43 4688893.9 54111353.0 ' 61.. 8I 72456.87 214774.07 
94,. 44 4380067.0 49731286.0 1 62.. 82 57437 .21 157336 .86 
25.. 45 4088347.4 45642938.6 63.. 83 44564.41 112772 .45 
26.., 46, 8812909.7 41830028.9 64.. 84 33449.74 79322.71 
27.. 47) 3552963.9 38277065.0 65.. 85 24607.57 54715.14 
98.. 48 3307758.2 34969306.8 66.. 86 17711.61 37003.53 
99,. 49 3076570.4 31892736.4 67.. 87 12485.10 24518.436 
30. 50| 9857712.8 29035023.6 68.. 88 8571.198 15947.238 
31.. 51, 2649709.5 26385314.1 69.. 89 5858.851 10088.387 
32.. 52; 2453100.0 23932214.1 70.. 20 3962.947 6125.440 
33.s 93 9268263.7 21663950.4 71.. 91 2659.157 3466.283 
34.. 54 2094606.6 19569343.8 7%.+« 92 1695.825 1770.4580 
35.. 55 1931560.5 17637783.3 73.. 93 1015.7098 754.74821 
36.. 56 1778586.2 156859197.1 74.. 94 509.96249 244,78572 
37.. 57 1635165.0 14224032.1 , 75.. 95 200.74604 44.03968

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