Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
“* biyy, (Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Twenty-Three Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. 1D, N. 
30 & 53| 2390946.2 23131727.6 1 02 & 75 244190.68 1080905.84 
359.0 3l.. 54] 2209976.7 20921750.9 | 53.. 76 207760.00 873145.84 
as 32.. 55] 2039939.8 18881811.1 54.. 77 175371.,10 697774.74 
Gs 33.. 56| 1880284.2 17001526.9  55.. 78 146927.92 550846.82 
9.4 34.. 571 1730479.1 15271047.8 56.. 79 122296.82 428550.,00 
9.5 35.. 58 1590020.3 13681027.5 57.. 80, 100667.89 327882.1! 
Bh 36.. 59) 1458425.9 12222601.6 58.. 81 81569,55 246312.56 
ad 37.. 60| 1335235.8 10887365.8 5%. 82 64976, 98 181335.58 
vd 38.. ol 1220011.8 9667354.0 60. . 83, 50653.81 130681.77 
bs 39.. 62) 1112334.4 8655019.6 61.. 84 3:217.11 92464,66 
(8.33 40.. 63 1012370.4  7542649.2 | 62.. 85] 28256.49 64208.17 
SRR 41.. 64, 918860,1 6623789.1 63.., 86 20461.93 43746.24 
WA. 42.. 65| 832011.4  5791777.7 | 64.. 87 14520.72 29225524 
240.78 43.. 66] 750973.1  5040804.6 | 65.. 85  10048.991 19176.533 
Haul Al 44.. 67) 675671.9 4365132.7 66.. 89 6930,592 12245,941 
Si 45.. 68] 605792.3  3759340.4 1 67.. a0] 4734.949 7510.992 
46.. 69) 541034,.3 3218306.1 68.. 91 3213.147 4297.845 
dl 47.. 70, 481110.2 2737195.9 69., 92 2075.488 2222.357 
{66,32 48.. 71 425748.0 2311447.9 70..:93 1261.,446 950.9116 
1.3 49,, 72, 374688.,7 1936759.25 * 71.. 94 644.1631 316.7485 
AT 50.. 73) 327570.28 1609188.97 72. 95 258.6536 58.09490 
ol.. 74" 284092,45 1325096.52 
17536 4% i _ 
S10, 101 
Li25.736 Difference of Age Twenty-Four Years. 
E68 — 
_— Ages, D. N. Ages, D. N. 
ma 0& 24) 27709521.  238282524.7 | 22& 46 4057066.1  45158767.3 
Tr pia 1.. 25] 19664930.7 218617594.0 23.., 47, 3784176.3 41374591.0 
i 2.. 26; 15821659.7 202795934.3 24.. 48 3526573.,5 37848017.5 
See 271 14073094.2 188722840.1 25.. 49 3283514.6 31564502,9 
4., 28 12776894.3 175945945.8 1 26.. 50 3053223.3 31511279.6 
5.. 29, 11826761.7 164119184.1 27.. 51 2834144.1 28677135.5 
6.. 30, 10956797.3 153162386.8 28.. 52 2626873.3 26050262. 2 
7.. 31° 10214371.7 142948015.1 = 929.. 53 2431840.4 23618421.8 
i» 8.. 32 9563391.4 133384623.7 30.., 54! 2248433.3 21369958. 5 
9181.3 9.. 33 8994941.4 124389682.3 | 31.. 55 2076066,3 19293922 .2 
G28. 10.. 31 8485789.5 115903892.8 32.. 56 1914183.6 17379738. 6 
93740. 11... 35 8013:66.3 107890626.5 J 83... 57 17632250. 4 1561748%.2 
2190.0 12.. 36 7566477.1 100324149.4 ' 34.., 58, 1619758.8 13997729.4 
W925 13.. 37 7141426.8 93182722.6 35.. 59 1486223.1 12511506.3 
093.9 14., 38 6737159.0 86445563.6 1 36.,. 60, 1361179.,5 11150326.8 
6132. 15.. 39 6352750.0 80092813.6 ' 37.. 61 1244186.5 9906140.3 
2453, 16.. 40' 5987317.1 74105496.5 38.. 62 1134820.9 8771319.4 
18506. 17.. 41 5635252.6 68470243.9 39,, 63 1033258.4 7738061.0 
ny 18.., 42 5294392.9 63175851.0 40.. 64 938481.8 6799579.2 
ad 19.4 43, 4964879.5 58210971.5 41., 65 850410,2 5949169.0 
20,. 44 4649121.8  53561849.7 42.. 66 768181.0 5180988.0 
21,. 45 4345016.3 49215833.4 43.. 67 691517.5 4489470.5 

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