Ling Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives,
(Northampton 3 per Cent.)
Difference of Age Twenty-Eight Years—continued.
Ages. . N. b Ages. D. N.
Ee ee lO
. 20 & 48| 3743200.7 40708882.9 | 44 & 72 424460.1 2250090.06
#1 21.. 49 3490458.8 37218424.1 | 45.. 73, 372400.51 1877689.55
8] 22.. 30] 3248733.9 33969690.2 46.., 74 324413.93 15653275.62
6.0 23.. 511 3018578.6 30951111.6 : 47.. 75 280266.36 1273009.26
£3 24.. 52' 2800646.6 28150465.0 } 48.. 76 239735.31 1033273.95
il 25.. 53 2595417.1 25555047.9 1 49.. 77 203513.66 829760.29
)'s 26.. 54 2402260.0 23152787.9 50.. 78 171475.93 658284.36
K9 27.. 55° 2220572.0 20932215.9 51.. 79 143489.43 514794.93
np 28.. 56] 2049781.0 18882434.9 52.. 80 118738.75 396056.18
ili 29.. 571 1889335.8 16993099.1 53.. 81 96757.33 299298.85
05.46 30... 58] 1738712.9 15254386.2 54... 82 77543.29 221755.56
588.01 31.. 59| 1597411.9 13656974.3 | 55.., 83 60844.22 160911.34
L.31 32.. 60 1464954.3 12192020.0 | 56., 84 46227.85 | 114683.49
wi 33.. 61! 1340884.9 10851135. 057. . .8) 34438.53 80244.96
i 34.., 62° 1224767.1 9626368.0 58,. 86 25129.48 55115,.48
ai 35.,. 63 1116810.3 8509557.7" 59... 87 17981.26 37134.222
lL 36., 64 1015935.6 7493622.1 60.. 88 12548.923 24585.299
a 37.. 65 922333.1 6571289.0 61.. 89, 8734.659 15850,610
ey 38.. 66 835027.3 5736261.7 62.. 90 6028.053 9822,557
i 89.. 67 753681.0 4982580.7 63.. 91 4138.774 5683.783
is 40.. 63, 677972.6 4304608.1 | 64.. 92] 2708.259 2975.524
131.84 | |
ta 41,. 69, 60746.3 3697181.8 ! 65.. 93 1671.007 1304.5172
4. 42. 70| 541793.6 3155388.2 | 66. 94 867.8309 436.6863
24 43., 71 480838.1 2674550.1 F 67... 95 355.1661 81.5202
2.18 = —_— —
R43 Difference of Age Twenty-Nine Years.
04.41 To TT
5.01 Ages. D. N. | Ages. D. N.
Ji. Fe eet Wl cremeet i eareanmmrton § severe sete te etter ssn emer ees oes
406.5% 0 & 29) 22048611, 182780143.4 | 21 & 50] 3297611.6 34582206.7
V4.0 1.. 30] 15626759.6 167153383.8 { 22.. 51| 3064687.2 31517519.5
235.1%) 2.. 31| 12555488.4 154597895.4 © 23.. 52| 2844090.0 28673429.5
12.697 3.. 32 11152082.1 143445813.3 24... 53| 2636311.4 26037118.1
ps 4.. 33! 10110094.6 133335718.7 | 25., 54! 2440716.6 23396401.5
5.. 34] 9344087.8 123991630.9 | 26.. 55. 2256698.3 21339703.2
6.. 35] 8643155.0 115348475.9 § 27.. 3) 2083680,3 19256022.9
7.. 36] 8044388.4 107304087.5 F 28.. 87] 1921107.2 17334915.7
8.. 37 7518992.7 99785094.8 29.. 58 1768451.5 15566464 .2
9.. 331 7059676.0 92725418.8 30.. 59 1625209.0 13941255.2
10.. 39| 6647954.3 86077464.5 : 31.. 6 1490898.0 12450357.2
» 1l1.. 40| 6265%00.7 79811563.8 | 32.. 6} 1365059.4 11085297.8
a 0 12,, 41] 5903244.9 73908318.9 ! 33.. 62) 1247253.7 9838044 .1
Ji 13.. 42| 5556999.6 68351319.3 } 34.. 63] 1137698.2 8700345.9
0 f 14.. 43| 5226541.0 63124778.3 ' 35.. 64! 1035299.0 7665046.9
A 15.. 44; 4912741.3 58212037.0 } 36.. 65 940254.1 6724792.8
hs 16.. 45, 4614850.9 53597186.1 | 37.. 66 851573.8 5873219.0
" 17. a6 | 4329707.5 49267478.6 i 38.. 67 768917.0 5104302.0
' 18.. on 4055465.5 45212013.1 © 39.. 63, 691961.0 4412341.,0
19., 48! 3792069.4 41419943.7 40.. 69 620397.5 3791943,5
20.. 491 3540125.4 37879818.3 4l.. 70' 353774.6 3238168.9