Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &¢. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirty-Five Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 35 16602267. 130405884.2 | 31 & 66! 950850. 2 6683246.1 . 
lis 36 11744128.3 118661755.9 | 32... 67 860333.8 5822912.3 
2.. 371 9417166.6 109244589.3 | 33.. 68 775891.5 5047020.8 
3:. 3 8347282.2 100897307.1 34... 69 697200.4 4349820.4 
4.. 39] 7551138.9 93346168.2 35.. 70 623949.6 3725870.8 . 
5.. 40 6963173.8 86382694.4 36. 71 555845.5 3170025.3 3 
6.. 41 6424399.8 79958294.6 37.. 72 492608.5 92677416.87 5 
Ten 227 5961474.2  73996820.4 38.. 7g 433970.42 2243446 .45 R 
8..°43, 5553140.1 68443680.3 39.. 74 379676.88 1863769.57 i. 
9,, 44 5195384.6 63248295.7 40.. 75 329485.19 1531284.38 9 
10.. 45 d874237.6 58374058.1 4l.. 76 283084.92  1251199.46 51 
11.. 46 4576305.6 53797752.5 42.. 77 241360.54 1009838.92 3 
12., 47084295155.7% 49502596.8 43.. 78 204306.65 805532.27 &h. 
13.. 48 4028390-.0 45474206.8 | 44.. 79 171918.53 633613.74 dl 
14.. 49 3775352.0 41698854 .8 | 45.. 80 143156.44 490457 .30 ! 
15.. 50f 3534179.4 38164675.4 ' 46.. 81 117427 .54 373029.76 
16. 51) 3303222.5 34861452.9 47.. 82 94768.32 278261,44 
17.. 52 3081580.2 31779872.7 48.. 83 74911.98 203349.46 
18.. 83] 9869135.4 28910737.3 49., 84 57364.74 145984.72 
19.. 54 2665816.4 26244920.9 50... 85 43078.34 102906.38 
20.. 335 2472012.1 23772908.8 51.. 86 31680.04 71226.34 - 
21.. 56 9987076.5 21485832.3 52.. 87 22849.77 48376.574 
92. 57 | 2111735.2 19374097.1 | 53.. 88 16083.312 32293.262 ix 
923. 58, 1946882.7 17427214.4 ' 54..-89 11297.937 20995.325 dea 
24.. 59' 1791992.2 15635222.2 55.. 90 7874.427 13120.898 
25,. 60] 1646560.2 13988662.0 | 56.. 91 5461.427 7659.471 
26.. 61] 1510107.1 12478554.9 } 67.. 92 3613.121 4046.350 
27... 62 1352173.0 11096381.9 58.. 93 9254.630 791.7204 
28.. 63) 1263026.1 9833355.8 59.. 94 1185.4391 606.2813 
29,, 64: 1151479.6 8681876.2 60... 95 491,7312 114,5501 
30.. 65. 1047779.9 7634096.3 
Difference of Age Thirty-Six Years. IL. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 £5 15817236. 122968906.7 14 & 50 3566764.5 38725118.9 lin 
1.. 371 11184744.1 111784162.6 | 15.. 81 3333961.6 35391157.3 ii. 
2.. 38; 8965234.6 102818928.0 § 16... 52 3112280.1 32278877 .2 HE 
3.; 30 7943573.2 94875354.8 | 17.. 63 2900760.3 29378116.9 Raa 
4.. 40] 7182997.6 87692357.2 | 18.. 54 2698119.9 26679997.0 9 
5.. 41] 6619303.2 81073054.0 b 19.. 55 2504284.9 24175712.1 Mn, 
6.. 42, 6102336.2 74970717.8 | 20.. 56 2319619.8 21856092.3 il. 
Too a3 5658186 .6 69312531.2 | 21.. 97 2143506.5 19712585.8 R. 
8.. 44 5267857.3 64044673.9 | 22.. 58 1976621 .2 17735964.6 3. 
9,, 45 4925771.5 59118902.4 | 23.. 59 1819789.4 15916175.2 i 
10.. 46 4618626.0 54500276.4 24.. 60 1672503.9 14243671.3 ¥ 
11.. 47 4333691.1 50166585.3 | 25.. 61 1534281.8 12709389.5 
12.. 48 4064859.2 46101726.1 26.. 62 1404659.5 11304730.0 
13.. 49 3809842.7 499291883.4 ' 27,. 63 1283914.1 10020815.9 

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