Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

A Lae 
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &e. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirty-Six Years—continued. 
N Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
24.1 28 & 64) 1170843.2  8849972.7 | 44 & 80, 146594.31 503619.30 
432.3 29.. 65] 1065701.0  7784271.7 | 45.. 81] 120316.92 383302.38 
7020.8 30.. 66| 967396.3  6816875.4 | 46.. 82, 97158.98 286143.40 
9820.4 3l.. 67) 875570.1  5941305.3 | 47.. 83| 76850.63 209292.77 
3870.8 32.. 68 789880.1  5151425.2 ! 48.. 84' 5888.73 150404.04 
5.3 33.. 69 710000.9  4441424.3 | 49.. 85 44269.50 106134.54 
48.81 34.. 70 635619.4  3305804.9 | 50.. 86 32604.43 73530. 11 
34.43 35.. 71 566439.8  3239365.1 ' 51.. 87. 23545.28 49984.830 
R037 36.. 72 502179.9  2737185.23 ' 52.. 88 16588.224 33396.606 
RUM. X 37.. 73 442569.57 2294615.66 53.. 89 11664.116 21732.490 
5119.4 38.. 74 387352.28 1907263.38 - 54.. 90, 8138.195 13594.295 
eR. 39.. 75 336283.37 1570980.01 55.. 91  5650.708 7943.587 
W631 40.. 76' 289130.01 1281850.00 56.. 92  3742.838 4200.749 
9613.7 41., 77 246697.91 1035152.09 57.. 93  2338.590 1862.1595 
hE 42., 78 208988.17  826163.92 58.. 94  1231.2910 630.6685 
di 43.. 79 175950.31  650213.61 59.. 95' 511.5163 119.3522 
78961, 44 : — 
pt Difference of Age Thirty-Seven Years. 
488,12 — oe 
072906.33 I 
1336.34 Ages. D. N. Ages. Di; N. 
is 0& 37) 15063846. 115864300.5 | 30 & 671 890806. 1 6059443. 0 
14.58 1.. 38] 10647985.7 105216314.8 | 31.. 68 803868.4 5255574.6 
lt 3% 2.. 39) B531638.0 96684675.9 | 32.. 69) 722801.5 4532773. 
1130.568 3.. 40| 7556299.5 89128376.4 | 33.. 70! 647289.3 3885483.8 
471 4.0. 411 6827977,0 82300399.4 | 34.. 71 577034.0 3308449, 8 
5.34 5.. 42| 6287463.8 76012930.6 | 35.. 72 511751.4 2796698.42 
1.72 6.. 43] 5791882.1 70221048.5 | 36.. 73 45116%.73  2345529.69 
fi. 513 7.. 44] 5367507.3 64853541.2 | 87.. 74 395027.68  1950502.01 
dda 8.. 45, 4994483.2 59839058.0 ' 38.. 75 343081.55 1607420,46 
9.. 46! 4667457.3 55191600.7 39.. 76 295095.56  1312324.90 
10.. 47| 4373767.9  50817832.8 | 40.. 77. 251965.98  1060358.92 
11.. 48 4101328.4 46716504.4 ! 41.. 78 213609.68 846749.24 
12.. 49| 3344333.4 42872171.0 | 42.. 79 179982,07 666767.17 
13.. 50| 3599349.6 39272821.4 ' 43.. 80 150032.18 516734.99 
” 14. . 3) 3364700.7 35908120.7 44,. 81 123206.32 393328. 67 
ee 15.. 52! 3141242.4 32766878.3 ! 45.. 82  99549.67 293979.00 
12s118.9 16.. 53| 2929658.9 29837219.4 46.. 83 78789.30 215189.70 
591157.3 17.. 54] 2727859.8 27109359.6 47.. 84 60412.74 154776.96 
78817. 18.. 55' 2534631.2 24574728.4 48.. 85 45145.60 109331.36 
arslled P9.. 56: 2349903.2 22224825.2 49.. 86 33505.98 75825.38 
473007 20.. 57| 2174007.0 20050818.2 50.. 87 24232.30 51393. 085 
rs 21.. 58] 2006359.8 ' 18044458.4 51.. 88, 17093.136 34499.949 
Hgs6192.3 92.. 59] 1847586.5 16196871.9 52.. 89 12030.293 22469.656 
7158.8 23.. 60] 1698447.6 14498424.3 53.. 90  8401.963 14067.693 
1135080 24.. 61) 1558456.3 12939968.0 54.. 91  5839.989 8227,704 
isin 25.. 62| 1427146.0 11512822.0 55.. 92  3872.557 4355.147 
an 3 26.. 63| 1304302.0 10208020.0 56.. 93,  2422.549 1932.5987 
pie.5 27.. 64] 1190206.6  9017813.4 57.. 94' 1277.1428 655.4359 
pre 0 28.. 65! 1083621.9  7934191.5 58., 95' 531.3015 124.1544 
99.. 66] 983942.4  £940249.1

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