Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-Four Years. 
Ages, DJ N. | Ages. D. N. 
i moO ee iy pp emt pemre. 
0 & 44 10553832. 74455025.3 | 26 & 70 728978.4 4438852.1 
1.. 45 7429454.7 67025570.6 § 27.. 71 651193.9 3787658.2 
2.. 46' 5927304.5 61698266.1 | 28.. 72 578751.2 3208906.99 
3.. 47 5226170.9 55872095.2 29.. 73 511362.77 2697544 .22 
4,. 48 4701611.9 51170483.3 30.. 74 448755.54 2248758.68 
5.. 49 4310647.7 46359835.6 3l.. 75 390668.83 1858119.85 
6. 50! 3952572.0 42907263.6 32.. 76 336854.36 1521265.49 
7.. 51 3642582.1 39264681.5 33.. 77 288357.22 1232908.27 
8.. 52 3368306.1 35896375.4 34.. 78 245179.98 987728.29 
9.. 53 3127041.5 32769333.9 | 35.. 79 207274.01 730454.28 
10.. 54 2909888.1 29859445.8 | 36.. 80 173436.15 607018.13 
11.,. 33 2708519.7 27150926.1 37.. 81 142987 .48 464030.65 
12.. 56! 2518948.1 24631978.0 38.. 82 116008.43 348022.22 
13.. 57) 9339641.6  22292336.4 39.. 83 92210.83 255311.39 
14.. 58 2170119.9 20122216.5 40.. 84 71022.08 184789.31 
15., 59 2009922.2 18112294.3 4l.. 85 53663.21 131126.10 
16.. 60! 1858606.6 16253687.7 42.. 86 39737.00 91389.10 
17.. 61, 1714785.5 14538902.2 43.. 87 28871.80 62517.306 
18.. 62 1577655.9 12961246.3 44.. 88 20479.744 42037.562 
19.. 63 1447954.1 11513292.2 45.. 89 14504.229 27533.333 
20.. 64! 1324976.1 10188316.1 46.. 90 10196.869 17336.464 
21.. 65 120906%.8 8979247.3 1 47., 91 7137.250 10199.214 
22.. 66| 1099765.2 7879482.1 48.. 92 4767.928 5431.286 
23.. 671.4997439.2 6382022.9 ! 49.. 93 3006.173 2425.1135 
24.. 68 901787.5 5980235.4 50... 94 1597.5469 827.5666 
25.. 69 812404.9 5167830.5 Sl... 95 669.7969 157.7697 
Difference of Age Forty-Five Years. 
Ages. D. N. ' Ages. D. N. 
0 & 45' 10006145. 69609281.8 19 & 64 1342274.0 10354471.7 
1.. 46! 7039844.0 62569437.8 1 20.. 65 1226272.9 9128198.8 
2.. 47 5613066.3 56956371.5 21.. 66 1116311.3 8011887.5 
3.. 48 4945955.6 52010415.9 22... 67 1012695.2 6999192.3 
4.. 49 4446541.1 47563874.8 23.. 68 915775.9 6083416.4 
5. 2 4072485.1  43491389.7 | 24.. 69 825205.4 5258211.0 
6.. 511 38728651.6 39762738.1 | 25.. 70 740648.4 4517562.6 
7.. 52 3432023.1 36330715.0 26.. 71 661788.1 3855774.5 
8... 53 3170662.0 33160053.0 1 27.. 72 588322.7 3267451.87 
9.. 541 2940653.4 30219399.6 28.. 73 519%61.93 2747489.94 
10.. 55) 9733567.4 27485832.2 29.. 74 456430.95 2291653.99 
11.. 56 2541547.6  24944284.6 | 30.. 75 897467.01 1893591.98 
12.. 57, 2360822.5 22583462.1 « 3l.. 76 342819.90 1550772.08 
13.. 58 2189945.7 20393516.4 32.. 770 293555.97 1257216.11 
14.. 591 2028453.6 18365062.8 | 33.. 78 249681.45 1007534.66 
15. 60! 1875902.4 16489160.4 34.. 79 211150.71 796383.95 
16.. 61. 1731868.9 14757291.5 35.. 80 176741.79 619642.16 
17.. 62 1595045.6 13162245.9 . 36.. 81 145765.74 473876 .42 
18.. 63 1465500.2 11696745.7 37.. 82 118307.15 355569 .27

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