Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Five Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 55 5611640. 328838419.3 21 & 76 402475.33 1844860.11 
1.. 56 3909725.6 28978693.7 h 22., 77 345543.45 1499316.66 
2.. 57 3085209.1 25893484.6 h 23.. 7% 294696.14 1204620.52 
3.. 58 2688760.0 23204724.6 1 24.. 79 249917.67 954702.85 
4.. 59 2389075.8 20815648.8 b 25.. 80 209798.23 744904.62 
5.. 60! 2161629.0 18654019.8 ! 26.. 81 173548.27 571356.35 
6.. 61 1954919.9 16699099.9 27.. 82 141294.29 430062.06 
7.. 62 1,76437.0 14922662.9 § 28.. 83 112715.93 317346.13 
8.. 63 1619514.1 13303148.8 I 29.. 84 87141.26 230204.87 
9.. 64 1480658.3 11822490.5 30.. 85 66117.77 164087.10 
10.. 65 1356020.7 104664A9.8 31.. 86 49186.24 114900.86 
11.. 661 1240517.5  9225952.3 32.. 87 33920.13 78980.731 
12.. 67 1132146.6 8093305.7 33.. 88 25615.075 53365.656 
13.. 68 1030107.9 7063697.8 1 34.. 89 18241.926 35123.730 
14., 69 934094.9 6129602.9 1 35.. 90 12398.879 22224.851 
15.. 70 843810.2 5285792.7 38.% 91 9083.144 13141.707 
16.. 71 758972.7 4526820.0 37-. 92 6106.238 7035.469 
17...:72 678332.0 3847887.98 | 38.. 93 3875.466 3160.0031 
18.. 73, 603316.35 3244571.63 | 39.. 94!  2074.5185 1085.4846 
19.. 74 532059.30 2712512.33 | 40.. 95 877.0573 208.427) 
20.. 75 465176.89 2247335.44 
Difference of Age Fifty-Six Years 
Ages. D. N. | Ages. D. N. 
0& 56° 5265700. 30231421.1 20 & 76 408202.26 1874243.05 
1.. 57 3664294.8 26567126.3 21.. 77 350742.20 1523500.85 
2.. 58 2887809.9 23679316.4 22.. 78 299197.60 1224303.25 
3.. 59 2513236.5 21166079.9 i 23.. 79 253794.36 970508.89 
4.. 60 2229774.5 18936305.4 94.. 30 213103.89 757405.00 
5.. 61 2014228.2 16922077.2 25.. 81 176326.53 581078.4/ 
6.. 62 1818411.9 15103665.3 26.. 82 143543.00 437485.47 
7.. 63 1650149.8 13453515.5 27.. 83 114580.03 322905.44 
8.. 64 1501312.6 11952202.9 28.. 84 88606.64 234298.80 
9,. 65 1370357.6 10581845.3 29.. 85 67248.64 167050.16 
10.. 661 1251989.5 9329855.8 30.. 86 50042.15 117008.01 
11.. 671 1142304.0 8187551.8 31.. 87 36356.26 80451.755 
12.. 68 1039433.5 7148118.3 32.. 88 26076.885 54374.870 
13.. 68: 942628.7 6205489.6 33.. 89 18576.846 35798.024 
14.. 701 851590.1 5353899.5 ' 34.. 90 13140.129 22657 .895 
15.. 71 766035.6 4587863.9 | 33... HH 9256.267 13401.628 
16.. 72 685695.7 3902168.27 36... 92 6224.883 7176.745 
17.. 73 609966.36 3292201.91 37.. 93 3952.258 3224.4876 
18.. 74 538506.66 2753695.25 , 38.. 94 2116.4561 1108.0315 
19.. 75 471249.94 2282445.31 | 39.. 95 895.1536 212.8779

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