Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Seven Years. 
Ages. D, N. | Ages. D. N. 
1860.) ere ee — 
316.6. 0& 57 4935148. 27731381.1 20.. 77 355732.99 1517684.96 
60.52 1.. 58 3429844.4 = 24301536.7 21.. 78, 303699.07 1243985.89 
02.35 2.. 59 2699292.4 21602244.3 Flew 79] 257671.06 986314.83 
304.62 3.. 601 2345656.4 19256587.9 23.. 80 216409.52 769905.31 
4., 61 2077726.8 17178861.1 i %4.. 81 179104.79 590800.52 
52.06 5.. 62001873578.90015305282.200895. . 824145%91.71 444908.81 
134.13 6.. 63 1689140.7 13616141.5 26.. 83 116444.12 328464.69 
Eg 7.. 64 1529712.4° 12086429.1 27.. 84 Y0U72.02 238392.67 
Ji87 10 8.. 65 1389473.3 10696955.8 23.. &5  68379.50 170013.17 
9.. 66 1265226.4 9431729.4 29., 86 50898.06 119115.11 
30.3 10.. 67 1152867.7 8278861.7 30.. 87 E37192.39 §1922.720 
353.53 11.. 68; 1043759.1  7230102.6  31.. &8 2633.696 55384.024 
§129.70 12.. 69 951162.3  6273940.3 « 32.. 89 18911.765 36472.259 
Way. 841 13.. 700 859370.0 5419570.3 | 33.. 90 13381.380 23090.879 
14,. 71 773098.4 4646471.9 + 34.. 91 9429.388 13661.491 
lL. Tu 
5453 15.. 72" 692076.7 = 3954395.21 35.. 92  6343.527 7317.964 
{160.0031 15.. 73, 616043.09° 3338352.12 36.. 93 4029,051 3288.9137 
185.4535 17.. 74' 544412.30 2793909.82 37.. 94  2158.3933 1130.5199 
ag em 18. 75 476960.40 2316949.42 38.. 95 913.2497 217.2702 
19.. 76 413531.47° 19u3417.95 
Difference of Age Fifty-Eight Years. 
Aves. D. N. i Ages. D. N. 
Sg 0& 5%) 4519386. | 25381924.0 | 19& 77 360377.19  1571659.03 
fore 1.. 59) 32056942.6] 22175961.4 20.. 78 308020.49 1263668.54 
Ne 2.. 60] 2519306.2  19656675.2 | 21.. 79, 261547.75 1002120.79 
in 5.. 61 2185706.8 17470968.4 | 22.. 80. 219715.17 782405.62 
Co 4.. 62° 1932644.5° 15538323.9 23.. 81 151883.04 600522.58 
ir 5.. 63] 1740385.8 13797938.1  24.. 82 148190.44 452332.14 
ihe 6.. 64' 1565857.4 12232080.7 ! 25.. 83] 118308.23 334023.91 
hus. 7.. 65 1415757.4  10816323.3 y 26.. 84 91537.40 242486.51 
ar 8.. 66° 1282875.6 9533447.7 *' 27.. 85 69510.36 172976.15 
50. 9.. 67 1165056.6 8368391.1 28.. 86 51753.96 121222.19 
HL 10.. 68 1058457.8  7309933.3 . 29.. 87. 37828.51 83393.686 
31.7 11.. 69; 959696.0 6350237.3 30.. 88 27000.506 56393.180 
AT 4.810 12.. 70] 867149.9 5483087 .4 31..:89, 19246.684 37146.496 
798.024 13.. 71, 780161.3  470926.1  32.. 90| 13622.631 23523.865 
2551 808 14.. 721 698457.6 4004468.54 33.. 91' 9602.511 13921.354 
1.638 15.. 73 621775.86  3332692.68 ' 34.. 92 6462.172 7459.182 
170 16.. 74 549866.25 233.826.43 35.. 93,  4105.843 3353.3398 
p78 17.. 75 48:217.68 2350608.75 ' 36.., 94 2200.3316 1153.0082 
HRS 18.. 76 418542.53 1932066.22 37.. 95 931.3458 221.6624 

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