Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Nine Years. 
Ages. D. N. I Ages. D. N. 
0 & 59 4317829. 23176911.6 i9& 78 312041.79 1283196.14 
1.. 60' 2992173.4 20184738.2 20.. 79 265269.39 1017926.75 
2.. 61 2347515.5 17837222.7 21.. 80 223020.81 794905.94 
3.. 62 2033083.4 15804139.3 22.. 81 184661.29 610244.65 
4.. 63 1795251.5 14008887.8 + 23.. 82 150489.15 459755.590 
5.. 64 1613362.4 12395525.4 § 24.. 83 120172.33 339583.17 hy 
6.. 65 1449209.9 10946315.5 25.. 84 93002.78 246550.39 
7.. 66 1307143.3 9639172.2 26.. 85 70641.22 175939.17 10:1 
8.. 67 1181308.5 £457863.7 27.. 86 52609.87 123329.30 Hal 
9.. 68 1069648.7 7388215.0 28.. 87 38464.65 84864.651] 12.1 
10.. 69 968571.0  6419644.0 | 29.. 88 27462.316 57402.335 M.. 1 
11.. 70 874929.8 5544714.2 30.. 89 19581.602 37820.733 1; 
125.71 7872:4.1 4757490.1 31.. 90 13863.882 23956.851 a 
13.. 72 704838.6 4052651.51 ¢ 32.. 91 9775 .633 14181.218 Ne 
14.. 73 627508.62 3425142.89 1 33.. 92 6580.816 7600.402 ) 
15.. 74 554983.19 2876159.70 } 34.. 93 4182.636 3417.7659 
16.. 75 487021.73 23%3137.97 35.. 94 2242 .,2693 1175.4966 
17.. 76 423155.88 1959982.09 § 36.. 95 949.4419 226.0547 
18.. 77 864744.16 1595237.Y3 im 
= ix 
Difference of Age Sixty Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 60 4029922. 21110462.5 18 & 78 315823.03 1302333.06 
1.. 61 2788138.1 '18322324.4 19.. 79, 268732.56 1033600.50 g 
9.. 62, 2183593.4 16138731.0 20.. 80 226194.24 807406.26 
Se 63] 1888551.2 .14250179.8 21... 81 187439.55 619966.71 WT 
4.. 64 1664223.7 112585956.1 22..'82 0 152787.86 467178.85 HoT 
5.. 65 1493176.0 11092780.1 | 23.. 83 122036.43 345142.42 B.? 
6.. 661 1338029.3 9754750.8 24.. 84 94168.16 250674.26 a. 
7.. 67 1203654.9 8551095.9 95... 85071772 .69 178902.17 : 
8.. 68 1084569.6 7466526.3 26.. 86 53465.78 125436.39 
9.. 69 978811.4 6487714.9 97.. 87 33160.78 86335.617 
10.. 70  883020.9 5604694.0 98.. 88 27924.126 58411.491 
11... 71 79438%7.0 4810407 .0 29.. 89 19916.522 38494.969 
12.072 711219.5 4099187.52 | 30.. 90 14105.132 24389.837 
13.. 73 633241.40 3465946.12 ' 31.. 91 9948.756 14441.081 
14.. 74" 560100.13 2905845.99 i 32:. 92 6699.461 7741.620 
15.. 75 491553.85 2414292.14 33... 93 4259 .428 3482.1919 
16.. 76. 427371.53 1986920.61 ; 34:.:04 2284.2069 1197.9850 
17.. 77 368764.52 1618156.09 1 35.. 95 967.5350 230.4470

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