Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

inf Lives, 
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Sixty-Five Years—continued. 
SLE Ages, 2 XN Nits - Bb N. ‘ 
ve 18 & 83 130785.27 372678.51 25 & 90 15311.3587 26554.763 
Wr.514 19.. 84' 101580.14 271098.37 | 26.. 91 10814.366  15740.397 
1438.95 20.. 85 77381.17 193717.20 1 27.. 92  7292.683 8447.714 
517.678 21.. 86] 57745.33 133971.87  28.. 93] 4643.32 3004. 3222 
3588.79] 22.. 87) 42281.43  93690.445 § 29.. 94  2493.8955 1310.4267 
H.60 23.. 88| 30#33.178 63457.267 | 30.. 95 1058.0185 252.4082 
5% 24.. 89! 21591.117 41866.150 
bY — 
Bw Difference of Age Sixty-Six Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N. 
0& 66 2570163. 11304910.5 15 & 811 200886.31 674755.13 
1.. 67 1757234.5 9547676.0 16.. 82 164679.88 510075.25 
) 2.. 68 1358369.8 8189306.2 12. 83, 132226.84 377848.41 
. 3... 9 1157335.6 7031970.6 + 18.. 84° 102811.06 275037.35 
sie oo. 4.. 701 1002987.2 6028983.4 19.. 85 78391.40 196645.95 
A908 01 5.. 71 882713.7  5146269.7 } 20.. 86 58566.99  138078.96 
[6540 4 6.. 72° 774008.0 4372261.70 § 21.. 87, 4917.55 95161.410 
730.8 7..73' 679332.84 3692928.85 | 22.. 88 30694.988  64466.422 
SME 8.. 74" 595100.00 3097828.86 1 23.. 89 21926.037  42540.335 
- 9... 75 519834.27 2577994.59 1 24.. 90 15552.637 26987.748 
iy 10.. 76 451392.79 2126601.80 25.. 91 10987.488 16000.260 
19.1 l1.. 77 389767.46 1736831.34 ' 26+. 92  7411.328 8588.932 
os. 1H 12.. 78 334489.12 1402345.22 27.. 93, 4720.184 3868.7482 
19).91 13.. 79  285479.89 1116865.33 28.. 94'  2535.8332 1332.9150 
nil 14.. 80 241223.8y 875641.44 4 29.. 95 1076.1146 256.8004 
a Difference of Age Sixty-Seven Years. 
739.8% _ 
LR ATF Ages. D. N. Fo Aves. D. N. 
0& 67] 2366680. 10052108.4 15 & 82 166212.35 516321.96 
l.. 68] 1613332.2 8438776.2 16.. 83 133544.13 382777.83 
2.. 69 1245513.0 7195763.2 17.. 84 103944.29 278833.54 
3.. 70, 1055112.7 6140650.5 18.. 8 79341.33 199492.21 
4.. 71° 910541.2 5230109.3 19.. 86 59331.61 140160,60 
Se 72) 797489 .8 4432619.52 1 20.. 87 43528.23 96632.376 
6601100 6.. 731 695384.55 3737234.97 21.. 88 31156.798 65475.578 
550313. 7.. 74 606357.26 3130877.71 22.. 89 22260.955 43214.623 
05258.88 8.. 75) 027085.67 2603792.04 23.. 90 15793.889 27420.734 
iT 8 9.. 76! 456165.23 2147626.81 24.. 91 11160.611 16260.123 
5B. 9) 10.. 77] 393371.92 1754254.89 | 25.. 92 7529.972 8730.151 
TR L1.. 78] 337490.10 1416764.79 | 26.. 93 4796.977 3933.1744 
css. [2.. 79 288064.35 1128700.44 27.. 94  2577.7709  1355.4035 
gl [3.. 80 243427.66  835272.78 | 28.. 95  1094.2107 261.1928 
14.. 81 2027:8.47 652534 31 

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